Las listas de usuario de EarMaster Cloud pueden contener estudiantes o profesores, pueden ser subidas en archivos .csv o directamente desde el buscador, se pueden usar como listas maestras (listas principales) o modificando tan solo usuarios. Puedes realizar ambas opciones para adaptarte a tus necesidades.
Para subir una lista, ve a y clica en Usuarios-->Sube lista de usuarios
Trabajando con una Lista maestra
Puedes añadir, editar y eliminar usuarios de EarMaster Cloud en la master list. Esto significa que que estarás utilizando y actualizando el mismo archivo cada vez que añadas o elimines estudiantes para o desde tu cuenta. Después de cada actualización, EarMaster Cloud comparará la nueva lista de usuarios que ya formaban parte de tu cuenta, y manejará los cambios detectados:
- nuevos usuarios serán añadidios
- usuarios que estan en tu cuenta pero que han sido eliminados de la lista actualizada serán eliminados
- usuarios que estan ya en tu cuenta no serán modificados (a menos que su configuración haya sido actualizada en el archivo)
Listas de un solo uso para añadir cambios
En vez de mantener una lista maestra para tu escuela, puedes escoger subir una lista de un solo uso para solo añadir usuarios. Puedes escoger subir una lista de estudiantes o una lista de profesores. Estos usuarios pueden ser añadidos a la lista maestra, o en clases específicas.
Como crear, editar y guardar una lista de usuario
1) Crea y edita siempre tus listas con Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), o con otros editores de texto que puedan guardar archivos CSV en formato UTF-8 con texto plano (es decir, sin ningún tipo de formato).
Importante: Procesadores de textos y editores de hojas de trabajo tan sofisticados como MS Word, OpenOffice, Apple Pages o MS Excel pueden romper el formato del archivo, y por lo tanto no deberían ser utilizados para editar tu lista de usuarios.
2) Ésta lista solo debe incluir estudiantes. Los profesores son añadidos manualmente en la administración interfaz en "Administración de usuarios" en
3) Añade un estudiante por línea usando este formato:
<nombre> <apellido>, <email>, <nombredeusuario>, <contraseña>
John Smith, jsmith@email.ear, jsmith, pa55w048 (nombre, apellido, email, nombre de usuario, contraseña)
W. A. Mozart, wa@mozart.ear (nombre, apellido, email)John O. Doe, johndoe@nowhere.ear, johndoe (nombre, apellido, email, nombre de usuario)
* <nombre de usuario> y <contraseña> son solamente opcionales. Si no estan especificados, serán creados automáticamente por EarMaster Cloud para cada estudiante. También puedes especificar el <nombre de usuario> y dejar que la contraseña generada automáticamente.
* Los usuarios son idenficados a través de su email. Por lo tanto es muy importante que cada usuario disponga de una cuenta de correo electrónico propia. Dos usuarios con el mismo email aparecerán como credenciales duplicadas para EarMaster Cloud.
4) Tu lista de usuarios es el único documento que puede ser actualizado en EarMaster Cloud. Por lo tanto debe ser mantenido cuidadosamente. Puedes editarlo y actualizarlo de nuevo tanto como nuevos estudiantes sean añadidos o eliminados. El archivo actualizado que debe incluir los usuarios actuales y los nuevos. Los estudiantes que no estén nombrados en la lista serán eliminados de tu cuenta de EarMaster Cloud.
5) Guarda el archivo en formato .csv in UTF-8 (muy importante). Si utilizas el archivo de más abajo como plantilla, asegúrate de abrirlo con Notepad (Windows) o TextEdit (Mac OSX) y simplemente usa la función de "Guardar" de tu editor de texto para continuar guardando el archivo.
EarMaster Cloud se compone de 2 áreas separadas:
Sitio web administrativo de administrador de la cuenta de una escuela. Gestiona usuarios, créditos y clases.
La aplicación EarMaster para Windows, Mac, iOS, Android y Chromebook, donde se realiza el entrenamiento de oído. Estudiantes y maestros conectan la aplicación con la cuenta de EarMaster Cloud de su escuela usando los credenciales personales de usuario que EarMaster Cloud le ha proporcionado. Tan pronto como la aplicación esté conectada, obtendrá los datos de la clase y del curso de Cloud y todos los resultados se cargarán automáticamente cuando los estudiantes hayan completado sus asignaciones.
Vea este vídeo tutorial o lea paso por paso las siguientes instrucciones para aprender cómo configurar su cuenta escolar:
Cómo continuar
1. Vaya a e inicie sesión con su login de administrador, que fue enviado por correo electrónico y consta de:
- ID de cuenta de la escuela
- Contraseña
Si todavía no ha creado una cuenta, haga clic en Sign up (Regístrarse) y cree una School account ID (cuenta escolar) utilizando el número de serie que le fue entregado cuando compró sus créditos de EarMaster Cloud.
2. Lo primero que se ve cuando ha iniciado sesión es el Dashboard (Panel de control). Se mostrará información sobre cuántos créditos están disponibles para su cuenta, cuántos usuarios y clases están activos, etc.
3. [Opcional] Haga clic en Manage Classes (Administrar clases) y crea clases (grupos de estudiantes que trabajarán en las mismas tareas). Este paso es opcional, pero incluso con sólo unos pocos estudiantes, hará que sea mucho más fácil asignar cursos más adelante.
4. Haga clic en Manage Users para administrar los usuarios de la cuenta de su escuela:
- Añada nuevos estudiantes o maestros usando los botones correspondientes en la parte superior derecha de la página. Si desea utilizar el software para PC / Mac o la aplicación para iOS y Android, deberá crear una cuenta de profesor (Teacher) para usted. Todos los usuarios que agregue recibirán automáticamente un correo electrónico con un enlace de descarga y sus credenciales de usuario. Así que asegúrese que sus estudiantes son conscientes de que recibirán un correo electrónico de EarMaster Cloud antes de agregarlos, de lo contrario podrían eliminar el correo electrónico o ignorarlo.
- Si los usuarios han olvidado o perdido sus credenciales de usuario, puede reenviarles la información mediante la función Resend email (Reenviar correo electrónico).
- También puede eliminar los usuarios que no deberían estar activos marcando las casillas de la columna izquierda y haciendo clic en el botón Delete (eliminar):
5. [Opcional] Si ha creado clases, ahora puede enviar a sus alumnos a éstas mediante el botón Assign students to class en el panel de control.
6. Los usuarios han recibido sus credenciales de usuario, por lo que ahora pueden conectar el software o la aplicación a EarMaster Cloud (lea la pestaña Connect EarMaster to the Cloud).
7. Si tienes una cuenta de Profesor, tendrás acceso a una sección especial en el software de PC / Mac (no disponible en iOS/android todavía):
- Comience creando una asignación (llamada "Curso" en EarMaster) usando el Editor de curso.
- Guarde el curso, luego vaya a Administración de asignaciones para asignar su libro de actividades o curso.
- Cuando sus estudiantes inicien EarMaster, se les notificará que se les ha asignado un nuevo curso. A medida que completen los ejercicios, sus resultados se cargarán automáticamente en la nube y se mostrarán en la versión del profesor en la Resumen de resultados de los alumnos.
Video Guides
Find out how to use the educational features of EarMaster Cloud
[module-302]Courses and workshops available in EarMaster
Click on a course or workshop title to view its full content.
Notice that the availability of the courses and workshops listed below depends on the license that you purchased. For more information, please refer to this Version comparison.
Beginner's Course |
1: Welcome to the Beginner's Course |
1.1 Introduction to the course | |
2: Pitch |
2.1 Musical Pitch | |
2.2 Pitch Matching: One Note (any note in range) | |
2.3 Introduction to Pitch Intervals | |
2.4 More Pitch Intervals | |
2.5 Pitch Interval Names | |
2.6 Pitch Matching: Two Notes (C, D) | |
2.7 Module Recap | |
3: Pulse |
3.1 Beat (Pulse) | |
3.2 Tapping with the Metronome | |
3.3 Skipping Beats | |
3.4 Introduction to Beat Notation | |
3.5 Beat Error Detections | |
3.6 Beat Dictation | |
3.7 Module Recap | |
4: Pitch Notation |
4.1 Pitch Sight-Singing | |
4.2 Pitch Dictation with 2 notes | |
4.3 Pitch Dictation with 3 notes | |
4.4 Pitch Dictation with 4 notes | |
4.5 Melodic Dictation | |
4.6 Module Recap | |
5: Duration |
5.1 Rhythmic Duration | |
5.2 Performing Note Onsets and Offsets | |
5.3 Rhythm Error Detection | |
5.4 Rhythm Sight-Reading | |
5.5 Rhythm Dictation | |
5.6 Clapping Back Rhythms with Half Rests | |
5.7 Half Rest Error Detection | |
5.8 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Half Rests | |
5.9 Rhythmic Dictation with Half Rests | |
5.10 Module Recap | |
6: Tonality |
6.1 Tonality | |
6.2 Pitch Matching | |
6.3 Three Melodic Intervals | |
6.4 Interval Identification | |
6.5 Interval Singing | |
6.6 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
6.7 Pitch Dictation | |
6.8 Singing Melodic Fragments by ear | |
6.9 Singing Melodic Fragments by sight | |
6.10 Melodic Dictation | |
6.11 Singing a Tune: Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture | |
6.12 Module Recap | |
7: Measures |
7.1 Whole Notes & Rests | |
7.2 Whole notes & whole rests | |
7.3 Whole Note Error Detection | |
7.4 Whole Note Sight-Reading | |
7.5 Whole Note Rhythmic Dictation | |
7.6 Two Beat Measures: Clapback | |
7.7 Two Beat Measures: Error detection | |
7.8 Two Beat Measures: Sight-Reading | |
7.9 Two Beat Measures: Dictation | |
7.10 Singing a Tune | |
7.11 Module Recap | |
8: The Sub-dominant |
8.1 The Sub-dominant Scale Degree | |
8.2 Interval Learning (Perfect 4th) | |
8.3 Melodic Interval Identification | |
8.4 Singing within the Major Scale | |
8.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
8.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes) | |
8.7 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear) | |
8.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight) | |
8.9 Dictating Melodies | |
8.10 Singing A Tune | |
8.11 Module Recap | |
9: Dotted Half Note Rhythms |
9.1 Dotted Rhythms | |
9.2 Dotted Half Notes & Dotted Half Rests | |
9.3 Dotted Half Note Error Detection | |
9.4 Dotted Half Note Sight-Reading | |
9.5 Dotted Half Note Rhythmic Dictation | |
9.6 Three Beat Measures: Clapback | |
9.7 Three Beat Measures: Error Detection | |
9.8 Three Beat Measures: Sight-Reading | |
9.9 Three Beat Measures: Dictation | |
9.10 Module Recap | |
10: The Dominant |
10.1 The Dominant | |
10.2 The Perfect 5th | |
10.3 Interval Identification | |
10.4 Interval Singing | |
10.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
10.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes) | |
10.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes) | |
10.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear) | |
10.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight) | |
10.10 Dictating Melodies | |
10.11 Singing A Tune: Frère Jacques | |
10.12 Module Recap | |
11: Consonance & Dissonance |
11.1 Hearing Harmonically | |
11.2 Dissonance & Consonance | |
11.3 Dissonance & Consonance | |
11.4 Consonant & Dissonant Chords | |
11.5 Chords in context | |
11.6 Chords in context (3 chord progressions) | |
11.7 Singing a Tune: Beethoven's Ode to Joy | |
11.8 Module Recap | |
12: Simple Subdivisions |
12.1 Subdivisions of the Beat | |
12.2 Constant Subdivisions | |
12.3 Eighth Note Clapback | |
12.4 Eighth Note Error Detection | |
12.5 Eighth Note Sight-Reading | |
12.6 Eighth Note Rhythmic Dictation | |
12.7 Rhythmic Dictation: Joy to the World | |
12.8 Singing a Tune: Simple Gifts | |
12.9 Module Recap | |
13: The Leading Tone |
13.1 The Leading Tone | |
13.2 Interval Comparison | |
13.3 Interval Identification | |
13.4 Interval Singing | |
13.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
13.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes) | |
13.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes) | |
13.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear) | |
13.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight) | |
13.10 Transcribing Melodies | |
13.11 Singing a Tune: Haydn's Surprise Symphony | |
13.12 Module Recap | |
14: Triads |
14.1 Triads | |
14.2 Ascending Melodic Thirds | |
14.3 Ascending Melodic Thirds: Identification | |
14.4 Ascending Melodic Triads | |
14.5 Descending Melodic Thirds: Learning | |
14.6 Descending Melodic Thirds: Identification | |
14.7 Descending Melodic Triads: Identification | |
14.8 Harmonic Thirds: Learning | |
14.9 Harmonic Thirds: Identification | |
14.10 Harmonic Triads: Identification | |
14.11 Singing A Tune: Rossini's William Tell Overture | |
14.12 Module Recap | |
15: Syncopation |
15.1 Syncopation | |
15.2 Basic Syncopated Rhythms | |
15.3 Syncopation Clapback | |
15.4 Syncopation Error Detection | |
15.5 Syncopation Error Detection (2) | |
15.6 Syncopated Sight-Reading | |
15.7 Syncopation Rhythmic Dictation | |
15.8 Tapping a Tune: Panama | |
15.9 Singing A Tune: Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik | |
15.10 Module Recap | |
16: The Submediant |
16.1 The Submediant | |
16.2 The Submediant Scale Degree | |
16.3 Interval Identification | |
16.4 Interval Singing | |
16.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
16.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes) | |
16.7 Pitch Dictation (5 notes) | |
16.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear) | |
16.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight) | |
16.10 Transcribing Melodies | |
16.11 Singing a Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star | |
16.12 Module Recap | |
17: Other Triad Types |
17.1 Augmented and Diminished Triads | |
17.2 Review of Ascending Thirds | |
17.3 The Four Triads (ascending) | |
17.4 Review of Descending Thirds | |
17.5 The Four Triads (descending) | |
17.6 Review of Harmonic Thirds | |
17.7 The Four Triads (harmonic) | |
17.8 Review of thirds (mixed) | |
17.9 The Four Triad types (mixed) | |
17.10 Singing a Tune: Home on the Range | |
17.11 Module Recap | |
18: Ties |
18.1 Rhythmic Ties | |
18.2 Clapping Back Rhythms with Ties | |
18.3 Clapping Back Rhythms with Ties (2) | |
18.4 Detecting Errors in Rhythms with Ties | |
18.5 Detecting Errors in Rhythms with Ties (2) | |
18.6 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Ties | |
18.7 Transcribing Rhythms with Ties | |
18.8 Tapping a Tune: All the Girls Go Crazy | |
18.9 Singing a Tune: Rock-A My Soul | |
18.10 Module Recap | |
19: Harmonic Progressions |
19.1 Introduction to Harmonic Progressions | |
19.2 Singing Bass Patterns | |
19.3 Bass Pattern Dictation | |
19.4 Singing a Tune: Pachabel's Canon in D | |
19.5 Chord Quality Review (Major & Minor) | |
19.6 Chord Progressions (I, ii, V) | |
19.7 Chord Progressions (I, ii, V) | |
19.8 Subdominant Bass Patterns | |
19.9 Subdominant Bass Pattern Dictation | |
19.10 Two-Chord Progressions (I, ii, IV, V) | |
19.11 Chord Progressions (I, ii, IV, V) | |
19.12 Module Recap | |
20: Compound Subdivisions |
20.1 Compound Beat Subdivisions | |
20.2 Introduction to Compound Beat Subdivisions | |
20.3 Clapping Back Compound Beat Subdivisions | |
20.4 Detecting Errors in Compound Beat Subdivisions | |
20.5 Detecting Errors in Compound Beat Subdivisions (2) | |
20.6 Sight-Reading Rhythms with Compound Subdivisions | |
20.7 Transcribing Rhythms with Compound Subdivisions | |
20.8 Tapping a Tune: Courenta dei Butei | |
20.9 Singing a Tune: Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring | |
20.10 Module Recap | |
21: The Complete Major Scale |
21.1 The Complete Major Scale | |
21.2 Interval Comparison | |
21.3 Interval Identification | |
21.4 Interval Singing | |
21.5 Tonal Threads (3 notes) | |
21.6 Pitch Dictation (4 notes) | |
21.7 Pitch Dictation (5 Notes) | |
21.8 Singing Melodic Fragments (by ear) | |
21.9 Singing Melodic Fragments (by sight) | |
21.10 Transcribing Melodies | |
21.11 Singing a Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat | |
21.12 Module Recap | |
22: Course Mastery Tests |
22.1 The Mastery Module | |
22.2 Interval Comparison Mastery | |
22.3 Interval Identification Mastery | |
22.4 Triad Identification Mastery | |
22.5 Chord Progression Mastery | |
22.6 Rhythmic Sight-reading Mastery | |
22.7 Rhythmic Dictation Mastery | |
22.8 Pitch Sight-Singing Mastery | |
22.9 Pitch Dictation Mastery | |
22.10 Melodic Sight-Reading Mastery | |
22.11 Melodic Dictation Mastery | |
22.12 Tapping a Tune: Mastery | |
22.13 Learning A Tune: Mastery | |
22.14 Course Completion |
Vocal Trainer |
1: Foreword |
1.1 Welcome | |
2: Level 1: Technical Exercises |
2.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
2.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
2.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
2.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
2.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
2.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
2.7 Technical Exercises 1–3 (preparatory lesson) | |
2.8 Technical exercises 1–3 | |
3: Level 1: Clapback |
3.1 2/4 Rhythms: one measure, no syncopation | |
3.2 2/4 Rhythms: one measure, with syncopation | |
3.3 2/4 Rhythms: three measures, no syncopation | |
3.4 2/4 Rhythms: three measures, with syncopation | |
3.5 2/4 Melodies: four measures | |
3.6 3/4 Rhythms: one measure | |
3.7 3/4 Melodies: two measures | |
3.8 3/4 Melodies: three measures | |
3.9 2/4 and 3/4 melodies | |
4: Level 1: Intervals |
4.1 Ascending Intervals: major 3rd, perfect 5th, perfect octave | |
4.2 Ascending Interval: major 3rd | |
4.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd | |
4.4 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th | |
4.5 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th | |
4.6 Ascending Interval: perfect octave | |
4.7 Ascending Interval: perfect octave | |
4.8 Ascending intervals: all intervals | |
4.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
4.10 Descending intervals: minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect octave | |
4.11 Descending Interval: minor 3rd | |
4.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd | |
4.13 Descending Interval: perfect 4th | |
4.14 Descending Interval: perfect 4th | |
4.15 Descending Interval: perfect octave | |
4.16 Descending Interval: perfect octave | |
4.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
4.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
4.19 All intervals | |
4.20 All intervals | |
5: Level 1: Sight Singing |
5.1 2/4 Melodies: three measures | |
5.2 2/4 Melodies: four measures | |
5.3 3/4 Melodies: three measures | |
5.4 2/4 and 3/4 melodies | |
6: Level 1: Final Step |
6.1 Technical Exercises | |
6.2 Clapback | |
6.3 Intervals | |
6.4 Sight Singing | |
7: Level 2: Technical Exercises |
7.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
7.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
7.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
7.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
7.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
7.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
7.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson) | |
7.8 Technical Exercise 4 | |
7.9 Technical Exercises 1–4 (preparatory lesson) | |
7.10 Technical exercises 1–4 | |
8: Level 2: Clapback |
8.1 2/4 Melodies (review) | |
8.2 2/4 Rhythms | |
8.3 2/4 Melodies | |
8.4 3/4 Melodies (review) | |
8.5 3/4 Rhythms | |
8.6 3/4 Melodies | |
8.7 2/4 and 3/4 melodies | |
9: Level 2: Intervals |
9.1 Ascending intervals: major 2nd, major 3rd | |
9.2 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review) | |
9.3 Ascending Interval: major 2nd | |
9.4 Ascending Interval: major 2nd | |
9.5 Ascending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave | |
9.6 Ascending Interval: perfect 5th (review) | |
9.7 Ascending Interval: perfect octave (review) | |
9.8 Ascending Interval: perfect 4th | |
9.9 Ascending Interval: perfect 4th | |
9.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
9.11 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
9.12 Descending intervals: minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect octave (review) | |
9.13 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review) | |
9.14 Descending Interval: perfect 4th (review) | |
9.15 Descending Interval: perfect octave (review) | |
9.16 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
9.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
9.18 All intervals | |
9.19 All intervals | |
10: Level 2: Sight Singing |
10.1 2/4 Melodies (review) | |
10.2 2/4 Melodies | |
10.3 3/4 Melodies (review) | |
10.4 3/4 Melodies | |
10.5 2/4 and 3/4 melodies | |
11: Level 2: Final Step |
11.1 Technical Exercises | |
11.2 Clapback | |
11.3 Intervals | |
11.4 Sight Singing | |
12: Level 3: Technical Exercises |
12.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
12.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
12.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
12.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.8 Technical Exercise 4 | |
12.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.10 Technical Exercise 5 | |
12.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson) | |
12.12 Technical exercises 1–5 | |
13: Level 3: Clapback |
13.1 2/4 Melodies (review) | |
13.2 2/4 Rhythms | |
13.3 2/4 Melodies | |
13.4 3/4 Melodies (review) | |
13.5 3/4 Rhythms | |
13.6 3/4 Melodies | |
13.7 2/4 and 3/4 melodies | |
14: Level 3: Intervals |
14.1 Ascending intervals: major 2nd, major 3rd, major 6th | |
14.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review) | |
14.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review) | |
14.4 Ascending Interval: major 6th | |
14.5 Ascending Interval: major 6th | |
14.6 Ascending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
14.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
14.8 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
14.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
14.10 Descending intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th | |
14.11 Descending intervals: all intervals | |
14.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review) | |
14.13 Descending Interval: perfect 4th (review) | |
14.14 Descending Interval: perfect 5th | |
14.15 Descending Interval: perfect 5th | |
14.16 Descending Interval: perfect octave (review) | |
14.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
14.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
14.19 All intervals | |
14.20 All intervals | |
15: Level 3: Sight Singing |
15.1 2/4 Melodies (review) | |
15.2 3/4 Melodies (review) | |
15.3 4/4 Melodies: two measures | |
15.4 Final Step: 4/4 Melodies: four measures | |
16: Level 3: Final Step |
16.1 Technical Exercises | |
16.2 Clapback | |
16.3 Intervals | |
16.4 Sight Singing | |
17: Level 4: Technical Exercises |
17.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
17.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
17.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
17.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.8 Technical Exercise 4 | |
17.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.10 Technical Exercise 5 | |
17.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson) | |
17.12 Technical exercises 1–5 | |
18: Level 4: Clapback |
18.1 2/4 Melodies (review) | |
18.2 2/4 Rhythms | |
18.3 2/4 Melodies | |
18.4 6/8 Rhythms | |
18.5 6/8 Melodies | |
18.6 2/4 and 6/8 melodies | |
19: Level 4: Intervals |
19.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 3rds | |
19.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review) | |
19.3 Ascending Interval: major 3rd (review) | |
19.4 Ascending Interval: minor 3rd | |
19.5 Ascending Interval: minor 3rd | |
19.6 Ascending Interval: major 6th (review) | |
19.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
19.8 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
19.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
19.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
19.11 Descending intervals: perfect 5th, minor 6th | |
19.12 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review) | |
19.13 Descending Interval: minor 6th | |
19.14 Descending Interval: minor 6th | |
19.15 Descending Interval: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
19.16 Descending intervals: all intervals | |
19.17 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
19.18 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
19.19 All intervals | |
19.20 All intervals | |
20: Level 4: Sight Singing |
20.1 6/8 Melodies: two measures | |
20.2 Final Step: 6/8 Melodies: four measures | |
21: Level 4: Final Step |
21.1 Technical Exercises | |
21.2 Clapback | |
21.3 Intervals | |
21.4 Sight Singing | |
22: Level 5: Technical Exercises |
22.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
22.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
22.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
22.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.8 Technical Exercise 4 | |
22.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.10 Technical Exercise 5 | |
22.11 Technical Exercises 1–5 (preparatory lesson) | |
22.12 Technical exercises 1–5 | |
23: Level 5: Singback |
23.1 6/8 Melodies | |
23.2 3/4 Melodies | |
23.3 6/8 and 3/4 melodies | |
24: Level 5: Intervals |
24.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths | |
24.2 Ascending Interval: major 2nd (review) | |
24.3 Ascending Interval: minor and major 3rds (review) | |
24.4 Ascending Interval: major 6th (review) | |
24.5 Ascending Interval: minor 6th | |
24.6 Ascending Interval: minor 6th | |
24.7 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
24.8 Ascending intervals: all intervals | |
24.9 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
24.10 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
24.11 Descending intervals: minor and major 3rds | |
24.12 Descending intervals: major 2nd, minor and major 3rds | |
24.13 Descending intervals: minor and major 6ths | |
24.14 Descending Interval: minor 3rd (review) | |
24.15 Descending Interval: minor 6th (review) | |
24.16 Descending Interval: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
24.17 Descending Interval: major 2nd | |
24.18 Descending Interval: major 2nd | |
24.19 Descending Interval: major 3rd | |
24.20 Descending Interval: major 3rd | |
24.21 Descending Interval: major 6th | |
24.22 Descending Interval: major 6th | |
24.23 Descending intervals: all intervals | |
24.24 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
24.25 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
24.26 All intervals | |
24.27 All intervals | |
25: Level 5: Chord Identification |
25.1 Major and Minor Triads: ascending/harmonic | |
25.2 Major and Minor Triads: harmonic | |
26: Level 5: Sight Singing |
26.1 3/4 Melodies: two measures | |
26.2 3/4 Melodies: two measures | |
26.3 3/4 Melodies: four measures | |
26.4 3/4 Melodies: four measures | |
26.5 2/4 Melodies: three measures | |
26.6 2/4 Melodies: three measures | |
26.7 2/4 Melodies: six measures | |
26.8 2/4 Melodies: six measures | |
26.9 2/4 and 3/4 Melodies | |
26.10 2/4 and 3/4 Melodies | |
27: Level 5: Final Step |
27.1 Technical Exercises | |
27.2 Singback | |
27.3 Intervals | |
27.4 Chord Identification | |
27.5 Sight Singing Part 1: rhythm | |
27.6 Sight Singing Part 2: melody | |
28: Level 6: Technical Exercises |
28.1 Technical Exercise 1 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.2 Technical Exercise 1 | |
28.3 Technical Exercise 2 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.4 Technical Exercise 2 | |
28.5 Technical Exercise 3 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.6 Technical Exercise 3 | |
28.7 Technical Exercise 4 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.8 Technical Exercise 4 | |
28.9 Technical Exercise 5 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.10 Technical Exercise 5 | |
28.11 Technical Exercise 6 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.12 Technical Exercise 6 | |
28.13 Technical Exercises 1–6 (preparatory lesson) | |
28.14 Technical Exercises 1–6 | |
29: Level 6: Singback |
29.1 6/8 Melodies (review) | |
29.2 3/4 Melodies (review) | |
29.3 6/8 melodies (short) | |
29.4 6/8 melodies | |
29.5 3/4 melodies (short) | |
29.6 3/4 melodies | |
29.7 6/8 and 3/4 melodies | |
30: Level 6: Intervals |
30.1 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 2nds | |
30.2 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths, major 7th | |
30.3 Ascending interval: major 2nd (review) | |
30.4 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 3rds (review) | |
30.5 Ascending Intervals: minor and major 6ths (review) | |
30.6 Ascending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
30.7 Ascending Interval: minor 2nd | |
30.8 Ascending Interval: minor 2nd | |
30.9 Ascending Interval: minor 7th | |
30.10 Ascending Interval: minor 7th | |
30.11 Ascending intervals: all intervals | |
30.12 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
30.13 Ascending Intervals: all intervals | |
30.14 Descending intervals: minor and major 2nds | |
30.15 Descending intervals: minor and major 6ths, minor 7th | |
30.16 Descending Interval: major 2nd (review) | |
30.17 Descending intervals: minor and major 3rds (review) | |
30.18 Descending Intervals: minor and major 6ths (review) | |
30.19 Descending Intervals: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, perfect octave (review) | |
30.20 Descending Interval: minor 2nd | |
30.21 Descending Interval: minor 2nd | |
30.22 Descending Interval: minor 7th | |
30.23 Descending Interval: minor 7th | |
30.24 Descending intervals: all intervals | |
30.25 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
30.26 Descending Intervals: all intervals | |
30.27 All intervals | |
30.28 All intervals | |
31: Level 6: Chord Identification |
31.1 Major and Minor Triads: harmonic (review) | |
31.2 Major and Minor Triads, Dominant 7th: ascending/harmonic | |
31.3 Major and Minor Triads, Dominant 7th: harmonic | |
32: Level 6: Sight Singing |
32.1 4/4 Melodies: two measures | |
32.2 4/4 Melodies: two measures | |
32.3 4/4 Melodies: four measures | |
32.4 4/4 Melodies: four measures | |
32.5 3/4 Melodies: three measures | |
32.6 3/4 Melodies: three measures | |
32.7 3/4 Melodies: six measures | |
32.8 3/4 Melodies: six measures | |
32.9 3/4 and 4/4 Melodies | |
32.10 3/4 and 4/4 Melodies | |
33: Level 6: Final Step |
33.1 Technical Exercises | |
33.2 Singback | |
33.3 Intervals | |
33.4 Chord Identification | |
33.5 Sight Singing Part 1: rhythm | |
33.6 Sight Singing Part 2: melody | |
34: Course wrap-up |
34.1 Congratulations! |
RCM Voice |
1: Foreword |
1.1 Welcome | |
2: Preparatory: Technical Tests |
2.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
2.2 Technical Test 1 | |
2.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
2.4 Technical Test 2 | |
2.5 Technical Test 1–2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
2.6 Technical Test 1–2 | |
3: Preparatory: Clapback |
3.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar | |
3.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars | |
3.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar | |
3.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars | |
3.5 Clapback: 3/4 and 4/4 Melody, Two Bars | |
4: Preparatory: Chords |
4.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback | |
4.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback | |
4.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads | |
5: Preparatory: Singback |
5.1 Singback: Major Scale, First Three Notes | |
5.2 Singback: Minor Scale, First Three Notes | |
5.3 Singback: Major & Minor Scales, First Three Notes | |
6: Preparatory: Sight-Reading |
6.1 Rhythm: 4/4, One Bar | |
6.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars | |
6.3 Melody: 4/4, Two Bars | |
7: Preparatory: Final Step |
7.1 Technical Tests | |
7.2 Clapback | |
7.3 Chords | |
7.4 Singback | |
7.5 Sight-Reading (Rhythm) | |
7.6 Sight-Reading (Melody) | |
8: Level 1: Technical Tests |
8.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
8.2 Technical Test 1 | |
8.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
8.4 Technical Test 2 | |
8.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
8.6 Technical Test 3 | |
8.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
8.8 Technical Test 4 | |
8.9 Technical Test 1–4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
8.10 Technical Test 1–4 | |
9: Level 1: Clapback |
9.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar | |
9.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars | |
9.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar | |
9.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars | |
9.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody | |
10: Level 1: Intervals |
10.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd | |
10.2 Interval Singback: Major 3rd | |
10.3 Interval Singing: Major 3rd | |
10.4 Interval Singback: Minor 3rd | |
10.5 Interval Singing: Minor 3rd | |
10.6 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 3rd | |
10.7 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 3rd | |
11: Level 1: Chords |
11.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback | |
11.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback | |
11.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads | |
12: Level 1: Singback |
12.1 Singback: Major Scale, First Five Notes | |
12.2 Singback: Minor Scale, First Five Notes | |
12.3 Singback: Major & Minor Scales, First Five Notes | |
13: Level 1: Sight-Reading |
13.1 Rhythm: 4/4, One Bar | |
13.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars | |
13.3 Melody: 4/4, Two Bars | |
14: Level 1: Final Step |
14.1 Technical Tests | |
14.2 Clapback | |
14.3 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
14.4 Intervals (Interval Singing) | |
14.5 Chords | |
14.6 Singback | |
14.7 Sight-Reading (Rhythm) | |
14.8 Sight-Reading (Melody) | |
15: Level 2: Technical Tests |
15.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.2 Technical Test 1 | |
15.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.4 Technical Test 2 | |
15.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.6 Technical Test 3 | |
15.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.8 Technical Test 4 | |
15.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.10 Technical Test 5 | |
15.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
15.12 Technical Test 1–5 | |
16: Level 2: Clapback |
16.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar | |
16.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars | |
16.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar | |
16.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars | |
16.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody | |
17: Level 2: Intervals |
17.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th | |
17.2 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 3rd | |
17.3 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 3rd | |
17.4 Interval Singback: Perfect 5th | |
17.5 Interval Singing: Perfect 5ths | |
17.6 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
17.7 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
18: Level 2: Chords |
18.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback | |
18.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback | |
18.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads | |
19: Level 2: Singback |
19.1 Singback: Major | |
19.2 Singback: Minor | |
19.3 Singback: Major, Minor | |
20: Level 2: Sight-Reading |
20.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars | |
20.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Three Bars | |
20.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars | |
20.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars | |
20.5 Melody: 3/4 | |
20.6 Melody: 4/4 | |
20.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4 | |
21: Level 2: Final Step |
21.1 Technical Tests | |
21.2 Clapback | |
21.3 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
21.4 Intervals (Interval Singing) | |
21.5 Chords | |
21.6 Singback | |
21.7 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 4/4) | |
21.8 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4) | |
21.9 Sight-Reading (Melody) | |
22: Level 3: Technical Tests |
22.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.2 Technical Test 1 | |
22.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.4 Technical Test 2 | |
22.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.6 Technical Test 3 | |
22.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.8 Technical Test 4 | |
22.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.10 Technical Test 5 | |
22.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
22.12 Technical Test 1–5 | |
23: Level 3: Clapback |
23.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar | |
23.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars | |
23.3 Clapback: 3/4, One Bar | |
23.4 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars | |
23.5 Clapback: 3/4 or 4/4 Melody | |
24: Level 3: Intervals |
24.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd | |
24.2 Interval Identification: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th | |
24.3 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
24.4 Interval Singback: Perfect 5th | |
24.5 Interval Singing: Perfect 5ths | |
24.6 Interval Singback: Perfect Fourth | |
24.7 Interval Singing: Perfect Fourth | |
24.8 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th | |
24.9 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th | |
24.10 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
24.11 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
25: Level 3: Chords |
25.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback | |
25.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback | |
25.3 Chords: Major & Minor Triads | |
25.4 Chords: Chord Tone Identification | |
26: Level 3: Singback |
26.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
26.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major | |
26.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major | |
26.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
26.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor | |
26.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor | |
26.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor | |
27: Level 3: Sight-Reading |
27.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars | |
27.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Four Bars | |
27.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars | |
27.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars | |
27.5 Melody: 3/4 | |
27.6 Melody: 4/4 | |
27.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4 | |
28: Level 3: Final Step |
28.1 Technical Tests | |
28.2 Clapback | |
28.3 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
28.4 Intervals (Interval Singing) | |
28.5 Chords (Chord ID) | |
28.6 Chords (Chord Tone ID) | |
28.7 Singback | |
28.8 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 4/4) | |
28.9 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4) | |
28.10 Sight-Reading (Melody) | |
29: Level 4: Technical Tests |
29.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.2 Technical Test 1 | |
29.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.4 Technical Test 2 | |
29.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.6 Technical Test 3 | |
29.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.8 Technical Test 4 | |
29.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.10 Technical Test 5 | |
29.11 Technical Test 1–5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
29.12 Technical Test 1–5 | |
30: Level 4: Clapback |
30.1 Clapback: 4/4, One Bar | |
30.2 Clapback: 4/4, Two Bars | |
30.3 Clapback: 3/4, Two Bars | |
30.4 Clapback: 3/4, Four Bars | |
30.5 Clapback: 6/8, One Bar | |
30.6 Clapback: 6/8, Two Bars | |
30.7 Clapback: 3/4, 4/4, or 6/8 Melody | |
31: Level 4: Intervals |
31.1 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 3rd | |
31.2 Interval Identification: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve | |
31.3 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
31.4 Interval Singback: 8ve | |
31.5 Interval Singing: 8ve | |
31.6 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve | |
31.7 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, 8ve | |
31.8 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
31.9 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
32: Level 4: Chords |
32.1 Chords: major triad singback | |
32.2 Chords: minor triad singback | |
32.3 Chords: major & minor triads | |
32.4 Chords: chord tone identification | |
33: Level 4: Singback |
33.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
33.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major | |
33.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major | |
33.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
33.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor | |
33.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor | |
33.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor | |
34: Level 4: Sight-Reading |
34.1 Rhythm: 4/4, Two Bars | |
34.2 Rhythm: 4/4, Four Bars | |
34.3 Rhythm: 3/4, Two Bars | |
34.4 Rhythm: 3/4, Four Bars | |
34.5 Melody: 3/4 | |
34.6 Melody: 4/4 | |
34.7 Melody: 3/4 and 4/4 | |
35: Level 4: Final Step |
35.1 Technical Tests | |
35.2 Clapback | |
35.3 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
35.4 Intervals (Interval singing) | |
35.5 Chords (Chord ID) | |
35.6 Chords (Chord tone ID) | |
35.7 Singback | |
35.8 Sight-Singing (Rhythm: 4/4) | |
35.9 Sight-Reading (Rhythm: 3/4) | |
35.10 Sight-Reading (Melody) | |
36: Level 5: Technical Tests |
36.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.2 Technical Test 1 | |
36.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.4 Technical Test 2 | |
36.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.6 Technical Test 3 | |
36.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.8 Technical Test 4 | |
36.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.10 Technical Test 5 | |
36.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.12 Technical Test 6 | |
36.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.14 Technical Test 7 | |
36.15 Technical Test 1–7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
36.16 Technical Test 1–7 | |
37: Level 5: Intervals |
37.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd | |
37.2 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
37.3 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th | |
37.4 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
37.5 Interval Singback: major 6th | |
37.6 Interval Singing: major 6th | |
37.7 Interval Singback: minor 6th | |
37.8 Interval Singing: minor 6th | |
37.9 Interval Singback: major and minor 6th | |
37.10 Interval Singing: major and minor 6th | |
37.11 Interval Singback: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
37.12 Interval Singing: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
37.13 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
37.14 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
38: Level 5: Chords |
38.1 Chords: major triad singback | |
38.2 Chords: minor triad singback | |
38.3 Chords: dominant 7th singback | |
38.4 Chords: major & minor triads, dominant 7th | |
39: Level 5: Chord Progressions |
39.1 I-IV-I and I-V-I, major key | |
40: Level 5: Singback |
40.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
40.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major | |
40.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4, Major | |
40.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
40.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor | |
40.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor | |
40.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor | |
41: Level 5: Sight-Reading |
41.1 Melody: 3/4 - Major | |
41.2 Melody: 4/4 - Major | |
41.3 Melody: 6/8 - Major | |
41.4 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major | |
41.5 Melody: 3/4 - Minor | |
41.6 Melody: 4/4 - Minor | |
41.7 Melody: 6/8 - Minor | |
41.8 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
41.9 Melody: 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major , Minor | |
42: Level 5: Final Step |
42.1 Technical Tests | |
42.2 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
42.3 Intervals (Interval Singing) | |
42.4 Chords | |
42.5 Chord Progressions | |
42.6 Singback | |
42.7 Sight-Reading | |
43: Level 6: Technical Tests |
43.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.2 Technical Test 1 | |
43.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.4 Technical Test 2 | |
43.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.6 Technical Test 3 | |
43.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.8 Technical Test 4 | |
43.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.10 Technical Test 5 | |
43.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.12 Technical Test 6 | |
43.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.14 Technical Test 7 | |
43.15 Technical Test 8 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.16 Technical Test 8 | |
43.17 Technical Test 1–8 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
43.18 Technical Test 1–8 | |
44: Level 6: Intervals |
44.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd | |
44.2 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
44.3 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th | |
44.4 Interval Identification: major and minor 2nd | |
44.5 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
44.6 Interval Singback: major 2nd | |
44.7 Interval Singing: major 2nd | |
44.8 Interval Singback: minor 2nd | |
44.9 Interval Singing: minor 2nd | |
44.10 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd | |
44.11 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd | |
44.12 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th | |
44.13 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th | |
44.14 Interval Singback: perfect 5th, major and minor 6th, 8ve | |
44.15 Interval Singing: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
44.16 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
44.17 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
45: Level 6: Chords |
45.1 Chords: major triad singback | |
45.2 Chords: minor triad singback | |
45.3 Chords: dominant 7th singback | |
45.4 Chords: diminished 7th singback | |
45.5 Chords: major & minor triads, dominant & diminished 7th | |
46: Level 6: Chord Progressions |
46.1 I-IV-I and I-V-I, major key | |
46.2 i-iv-i and i-V-i, minor key | |
46.3 All chord progressions | |
47: Level 6: Singback |
47.1 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
47.2 Singback: 4/4 - Major | |
47.3 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major | |
47.4 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
47.5 Singback: 4/4 - Minor | |
47.6 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Minor | |
47.7 Singback: 3/4, 4/4 - Major, Minor | |
48: Level 6: Sight-Reading |
48.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major | |
48.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major | |
48.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major | |
48.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major | |
48.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major | |
48.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor | |
48.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor | |
48.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor | |
48.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor | |
48.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
48.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor | |
49: Level 6: Final Step |
49.1 Technical Tests | |
49.2 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
49.3 Intervals (Interval Singing) | |
49.4 Chords | |
49.5 Chord Progressions | |
49.6 Singback | |
49.7 Sight-Reading | |
50: Level 7: Technical Tests |
50.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.2 Technical Test 1 | |
50.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.4 Technical Test 2 | |
50.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.6 Technical Test 3 | |
50.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.8 Technical Test 4 | |
50.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.10 Technical Test 5 | |
50.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.12 Technical Test 6 | |
50.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.14 Technical Test 7 | |
50.15 Technical Test 8 | |
50.16 Technical Test 1–7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
50.17 Technical Test 1–7 | |
51: Level 7: Intervals |
51.1 Interval Identification: major and minor 2nd | |
51.2 Interval Identification: major and minor 3rd | |
51.3 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, perfect 5th, 8ve | |
51.4 Interval Identification: major and minor 6th | |
51.5 Interval Identification: major and minor 7th | |
51.6 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
51.7 Interval Singback: major 7th | |
51.8 Interval Singing: major 7th | |
51.9 Interval Singback: minor 7th | |
51.10 Interval Singing: minor 7th | |
51.11 Interval Singback: major and minor 7th | |
51.12 Interval Singing: major and minor 7th | |
51.13 Interval Singback: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th | |
51.14 Interval Singing: major and minor 2nd, major and minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th | |
51.15 Interval Singback: major and minor 6th, major and minor 7th, 8ve | |
51.16 Interval Singing: major and minor 6th, major and minor 7th, 8ve | |
51.17 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
51.18 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
52: Level 7: Chords |
52.1 Chords: major triad singback | |
52.2 Chords: minor triad singback | |
52.3 Chords: augmented triad singback | |
52.4 Chords: dominant 7th singback | |
52.5 Chords: diminished 7th singback | |
52.6 Chords: Major, Minor & Augmented Triads - Dominant & Diminished 7th | |
53: Level 7: Chord Progressions |
53.1 I-IV-I, I-V-I, I-IV-V, major key | |
53.2 i-iv-i and i-V-i, i-iv-V, minor key | |
53.3 All chord progressions | |
54: Level 7: Singback |
54.1 Singback: 2/4 - Major | |
54.2 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
54.3 Singback: 6/8 - Major | |
54.4 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Major | |
54.5 Singback: 2/4 - Minor | |
54.6 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
54.7 Singback: 6/8 - Minor | |
54.8 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
54.9 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor | |
55: Level 7: Sight-Reading |
55.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major | |
55.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major | |
55.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major | |
55.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major | |
55.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major | |
55.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor | |
55.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor | |
55.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor | |
55.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor | |
55.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
55.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor | |
56: Level 7: Final Step |
56.1 Technical Tests | |
56.2 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
56.3 Intervals (Interval singing) | |
56.4 Chords | |
56.5 Chord Progressions | |
56.6 Singback | |
56.7 Sight-Singing | |
57: Level 8: Technical Tests |
57.1 Technical Test 1 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.2 Technical Test 1 | |
57.3 Technical Test 2 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.4 Technical Test 2 | |
57.5 Technical Test 3 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.6 Technical Test 3 | |
57.7 Technical Test 4 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.8 Technical Test 4 | |
57.9 Technical Test 5 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.10 Technical Test 5 | |
57.11 Technical Test 6 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.12 Technical Test 6 | |
57.13 Technical Test 7 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.14 Technical Test 7 | |
57.15 Technical Test 8 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.16 Technical Test 8 | |
57.17 Technical Test 1–8 (Preparatory Lesson) | |
57.18 Technical Test 1–8 | |
58: Level 8: Intervals |
58.1 Interval Identification: perfect 4th, augmented 4th/diminished 5th, perfect 5th | |
58.2 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd | |
58.3 Interval Identification: Major and Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th | |
58.4 Interval Identification: All Intervals | |
58.5 Interval Singback: Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th | |
58.6 Interval Singing: Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th | |
58.7 Interval Singback: Perfect 4th, Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th | |
58.8 Interval Singing: Perfect 4th, Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th | |
58.9 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd | |
58.10 Interval Singing: Major and Minor 2nd, Major and Minor 3rd | |
58.11 Interval Singback: Major and Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th, Octave | |
58.12 Interval Singing: Major And Minor 6th, Major and Minor 7th, 8ve | |
58.13 Interval Singback: All Intervals | |
58.14 Interval Singing: All Intervals | |
59: Level 8: Chords |
59.1 Chords: Major Triad Singback | |
59.2 Chords: Minor Triad Singback | |
59.3 Chords: Augmented Triad Singback | |
59.4 Chords: Dominant 7th Singback | |
59.5 Chords: Diminished 7th Singback | |
59.6 Chords: Major, Minor & Augmented Triads - Dominant & Diminished 7th | |
60: Level 8: Chord Progressions |
60.1 I-IV-V-I and I-IV-V-vi, Major Key | |
60.2 i-iv-V-i and i-iv-V-vi, Minor Key | |
60.3 I-vi-IV-V and I-vi-IV-I, Major Keyy | |
60.4 i-vi-iv-V and i-vi-iv-i, Minor Key | |
60.5 All Chord Progressions | |
61: Level 8: Singback |
61.1 Singback: 2/4 - Major | |
61.2 Singback: 3/4 - Major | |
61.3 Singback: 4/4 - Major | |
61.4 Singback: 6/8 - Major | |
61.5 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major | |
61.6 Singback: 2/4 - Minor | |
61.7 Singback: 3/4 - Minor | |
61.8 Singback: 4/4 - Minor | |
61.9 Singback: 6/8 - Minor | |
61.10 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
61.11 Singback: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor | |
62: Level 8: Sight-Reading |
62.1 Melody: 2/4 - Major | |
62.2 Melody: 3/4 - Major | |
62.3 Melody: 4/4 - Major | |
62.4 Melody: 6/8 - Major | |
62.5 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major | |
62.6 Melody: 2/4 - Minor | |
62.7 Melody: 3/4 - Minor | |
62.8 Melody: 4/4 - Minor | |
62.9 Melody: 6/8 - Minor | |
62.10 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Minor | |
62.11 Melody: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 - Major, Minor | |
63: Level 8: Final Step |
63.1 Technical Tests | |
63.2 Intervals (Interval ID) | |
63.3 Intervals (Interval singing) | |
63.4 Chord ID | |
63.5 Chord Progressions | |
63.6 Singback | |
63.7 Sight-Reading | |
63.8 Congratulations! |
General Workshops - Chord Identification |
1: Identify the Major & the Minor Chords |
1.1 Major & Minor - Ascending | |
1.2 Major & Minor - Descending | |
1.3 Major & Minor - Harmonic | |
1.4 Major & Minor - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
2: Identify the Major, Minor & Sus4 Chords |
2.1 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Ascending | |
2.2 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Descending | |
2.3 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Harmonic | |
2.4 Major, Minor & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
3: Major Chords with Alternating 5th |
3.1 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Ascending | |
3.2 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Descending | |
3.3 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic | |
3.4 Major, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
4: Identify the Minor & the Minor(b5) Chords |
4.1 Minor & Dim - Ascending | |
4.2 Minor & Dim - Descending | |
4.3 Minor & Dim - Harmonic | |
4.4 Minor & Dim - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
5: Identify the Sus Chords |
5.1 Sus2 & Sus4 - Ascending | |
5.2 Sus2 & Sus4 - Descending | |
5.3 Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic | |
5.4 Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
6: Triads with an Altered 5th |
6.1 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Ascending | |
6.2 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Descending | |
6.3 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic | |
6.4 Dim, Major(b5) & Aug - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
7: Identify All Triads |
7.1 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Ascending | |
7.2 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Descending | |
7.3 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic | |
7.4 Major, Minor, Dim, Major(b5), Aug, Sus2 & Sus4 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
8: Major Triad with an Added Chord Tone |
8.1 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Ascending | |
8.2 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Descending | |
8.3 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Harmonic | |
8.4 7, Maj7 & Add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
9: Minor Triad with an Added Chord Tone |
9.1 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Ascending | |
9.2 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Descending | |
9.3 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic | |
9.4 Mi7, Mi,maj7 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
10: Minor(b5) with an Added Chord Tone |
10.1 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Ascending | |
10.2 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Descending | |
10.3 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic | |
10.4 Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
11: Major(b5) with an Added Chord Tone |
11.1 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Ascending | |
11.2 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Descending | |
11.3 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Harmonic | |
11.4 7(b5) & maj7(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
12: Major(#5) with an Added Chord Tone |
12.1 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Ascending | |
12.2 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Descending | |
12.3 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic | |
12.4 7(#5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
13: Sus Triads with an Added Minor 7th |
13.1 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Ascending | |
13.2 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Descending | |
13.3 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Harmonic | |
13.4 7(sus4) & 7(sus2) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
14: Sus Triads with an Added Major 7th |
14.1 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Ascending | |
14.2 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Descending | |
14.3 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic | |
14.4 maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15: Sus Seventh Chords |
15.1 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Ascending | |
15.2 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Descending | |
15.3 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic | |
15.4 7(sus4), 7(sus2), maj7(sus2) & maj7(sus4) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
16: Maj7 Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th |
16.1 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Ascending | |
16.2 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Descending | |
16.3 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic | |
16.4 Maj7, maj7(b5) & maj7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
17: 7th Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th |
17.1 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Ascending | |
17.2 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Descending | |
17.3 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Harmonic | |
17.4 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
18: Minor7 and Maj7 Chords with a Perfect or Altered 5th |
18.1 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Ascending | |
18.2 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Descending | |
18.3 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic | |
18.4 Mi7, Mi,maj7, Dim7, Mi7(b5) & dim,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
19: All the Maj7 Chords |
19.1 All the Maj7 chords - Ascending | |
19.2 All the Maj7 chords - Descending | |
19.3 All the Maj7 chords - Harmonic | |
19.4 All the Maj7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
20: All Chords with a Minor 7th |
20.1 All chords with a minor 7th - Ascending | |
20.2 All chords with a minor 7th - Descending | |
20.3 All chords with a minor 7th - Harmonic | |
20.4 All chords with a minor 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
21: Chords with a Major 6th or Diminished 7 |
21.1 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Ascending | |
21.2 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Descending | |
21.3 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic | |
21.4 Dim7, Add6 & Mi,add6 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
22: All 7th Chords |
22.1 All 7th chords - Ascending | |
22.2 All 7th chords - Descending | |
22.3 All 7th chords - Harmonic | |
22.4 All 7th chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending |
General Workshops - Chord Inversions |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Inversions of the Major chord - Ascending | |
1.2 Inversions of the Major chord - Descending | |
1.3 Inversions of the Major chord - Harmonic | |
1.4 Inversions of the Major chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
2: Module 2 |
2.1 Inversions of the Minor chord - Ascending | |
2.2 Inversions of the Minor chord - Descending | |
2.3 Inversions of the Minor chord - Harmonic | |
2.4 Inversions of the Minor chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
3: Module 3 |
3.1 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Ascending | |
3.2 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Descending | |
3.3 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Harmonic | |
3.4 Inversions of the Sus4 chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
4: Module 4 |
4.1 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Ascending | |
4.2 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Descending | |
4.3 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Harmonic | |
4.4 Inversions of the Major(b5) chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
5: Module 5 |
5.1 Inversions of the Dim chord - Ascending | |
5.2 Inversions of the Dim chord - Descending | |
5.3 Inversions of the Dim chord - Harmonic | |
5.4 Inversions of the Dim chord - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
6: Major with Perfect or Altered 5th |
6.1 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Ascending | |
6.2 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Descending | |
6.3 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Harmonic | |
6.4 Major, Aug & Major(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
7: Minor with Perfect or Altered 5th |
7.1 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Ascending | |
7.2 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Descending | |
7.3 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Harmonic | |
7.4 Inversions of the Minor & Dim chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
8: Minor & Major with Altered 5th |
8.1 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Ascending | |
8.2 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Descending | |
8.3 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Harmonic | |
8.4 Inversions of the Dim, Aug & Major(b5) chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
9: All the Triads |
9.1 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Ascending | |
9.2 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Descending | |
9.3 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Harmonic | |
9.4 Major, Minor, Dim, Aug, Sus4 & Major(b5) - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
10: Module 10 |
10.1 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Ascending | |
10.2 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Descending | |
10.3 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Harmonic | |
10.4 Inversions of the Maj7 & 7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
11: Module 11 |
11.1 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Ascending | |
11.2 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Descending | |
11.3 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Harmonic | |
11.4 Inversions of the Mi7 & Mi,maj7 chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
12: Module 12 |
12.1 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Ascending | |
12.2 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Descending | |
12.3 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Harmonic | |
12.4 Inversions of the Mi7(b5), Dim7 & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
13: Module 13 |
13.1 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Ascending | |
13.2 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Descending | |
13.3 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Harmonic | |
13.4 Inversions of the 7(b5) & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
14: Module 14 |
14.1 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Ascending | |
14.2 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Descending | |
14.3 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Harmonic | |
14.4 Inversions of the 7(#5) & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15: Module 15 |
15.1 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Ascending | |
15.2 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Descending | |
15.3 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Harmonic | |
15.4 Inversions of the 7, 7(b5) & 7(#5) chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
16: Module 16 |
16.1 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Ascending | |
16.2 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Descending | |
16.3 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Harmonic | |
16.4 Inversions of the Maj7, & chords - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
17: Module 17 |
17.1 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Ascending | |
17.2 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Descending | |
17.3 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic | |
17.4 Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
18: All the 7 Chords |
18.1 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Ascending | |
18.2 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Descending | |
18.3 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic | |
18.4 Maj7, 7, Mi7, Mi7(b5), Dim7, , 7(b5), , 7(#5), & Mi,maj7 - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending |
General Workshops - Chord Progressions |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Identify major and minor tonic in V-I | |
1.2 Dominants with and without 7 | |
1.3 VIIdim7 - in Major and minor | |
1.4 Common dominant - tonic combinations | |
1.5 Major/minor subdominant (IV) and supertonic (II) | |
1.6 Various dominant-tonic combinations | |
1.7 II - V - I combinations | |
1.8 II - V - I and II - bII - I combinations | |
1.9 IV - I combinations (Plagal cadences) | |
1.10 Two mediant combinations | |
1.11 Four mediant combinations | |
1.12 Three part plagal cadences | |
1.13 Extended tonal cadences | |
1.14 Fifth sequences | |
1.15 Folk progressions | |
1.16 Progressions with bVII7(b5) | |
1.17 Interrupted cadences | |
1.18 Modulations #1 | |
1.19 Modulations #2 | |
1.20 Modulations to bIII and bVI | |
1.21 Last step! |
General Workshops - Interval Comparison |
1: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Common 1st Tone |
1.1 Introduction to perfect intervals | |
1.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
1.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
1.4 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
1.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
1.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
1.7 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
1.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (common tone) | |
1.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (common tone) | |
1.10 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
1.11 Test : Perfect intervals with a common 1st tone | |
2: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Common 1st Tone |
2.1 Introduction to imperfect consonant intervals | |
2.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
2.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
2.4 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
2.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
2.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
2.7 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
2.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone) | |
2.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (common tone) | |
2.10 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
2.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
2.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
2.13 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
2.14 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with a common 1st tone | |
3: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Common 1st Tone |
3.1 Introduction to dissonant intervals | |
3.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
3.4 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
3.7 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
3.10 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
3.13 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (common tone) | |
3.16 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
3.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
3.19 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
3.20 Test: Dissonant intervals with a common 1st tone | |
4: Compare All Simple Intervals - Common Common 1st Tone |
4.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
4.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
4.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
4.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
4.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
4.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
4.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone) | |
4.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (common tone) | |
4.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
4.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (common tone) | |
4.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (common tone) | |
4.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
4.13 Test: Simple intervals with a common 1st tone | |
5: Compare Compound Intervals Up to 2 Octaves - Common 1st Tone |
5.1 Introduction to Compound intervals | |
5.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (common tone) | |
5.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (common tone) | |
5.4 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (common tone) | |
5.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (common tone) | |
5.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (common tone) | |
5.7 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
5.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (common tone) | |
5.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (common tone) | |
5.10 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
5.11 Test: Compound intervals with a common 1st tone | |
6: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone |
6.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
6.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
6.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
6.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
6.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
6.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
6.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (common tone) | |
6.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (common tone) | |
6.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
6.10 Test : Perfect intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone | |
7: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone |
7.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
7.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
7.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
7.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
7.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
7.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
7.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone) | |
7.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (common tone) | |
7.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
7.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (common tone) | |
7.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (common tone) | |
7.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
7.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone | |
8: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone |
8.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
8.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
8.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
8.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
8.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (common tone) | |
8.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
8.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
8.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
8.19 Test: Dissonant intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone | |
9: Compare All Simple Intervals - Common 1st or 2nd tone |
9.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (common tone) | |
9.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (common tone) | |
9.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
9.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (common tone) | |
9.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (common tone) | |
9.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (common tone) | |
9.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (common tone) | |
9.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (common tone) | |
9.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (common tone) | |
9.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (common tone) | |
9.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (common tone) | |
9.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
9.13 Test: Simple intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone | |
10: Compare Compound Intervals Up to 2 Octaves - Common 1st or 2nd tone |
10.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (common tone) | |
10.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (common tone) | |
10.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (common tone) | |
10.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (common tone) | |
10.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (common tone) | |
10.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
10.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (common tone) | |
10.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (common tone) | |
10.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (common tone) | |
10.10 Test: Compound intervals with a common 1st or 2nd tone | |
11: Compare the Perfect Intervals - Nearby 1st tones |
11.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
11.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
11.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
11.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
11.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
11.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
11.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
11.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
11.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
11.10 Test : Perfect intervals with nearby first tones | |
12: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - Nearby 1st tones |
12.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
12.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
12.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
12.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
12.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
12.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
12.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
12.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
12.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
12.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
12.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
12.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
12.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals with nearby first tones | |
13: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - Nearby 1st tones |
13.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
13.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
13.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
13.19 Test: Dissonant intervals with nearby first tones | |
14: Compare All Simple Intervals - Nearby 1st tones |
14.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
14.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
14.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
14.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
14.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
14.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
14.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
14.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
14.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
14.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
14.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
14.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
14.13 Test: Simple intervals with nearby first tones | |
15: Compare Compound Intervals up to 2 octaves - Nearby 1st tones |
15.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
15.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
15.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
15.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
15.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
15.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
15.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (nearby common tone) | |
15.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (nearby common tone) | |
15.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (nearby common tone) | |
15.10 Test: Compound intervals with nearby first tones | |
16: Compare the Perfect Intervals - No common tones |
16.1 Perfect 4th & Octave - Ascending (no common tone) | |
16.2 Perfect 4th & Octave - Descending (no common tone) | |
16.3 Perfect 4th & Octave - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
16.4 Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending (no common tone) | |
16.5 Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending (no common tone) | |
16.6 Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
16.7 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
16.8 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Descending (no common tone) | |
16.9 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
16.10 Test : Perfect intervals without common tone | |
17: Compare the Imperfect Consonant Intervals - No common tones |
17.1 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
17.2 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Descending (no common tone) | |
17.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
17.4 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
17.5 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Descending (no common tone) | |
17.6 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
17.7 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending (no common tone) | |
17.8 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending (no common tone) | |
17.9 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
17.10 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
17.11 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending (no common tone) | |
17.12 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
17.13 Test: Imperfect consonant intervals without common tone | |
18: Compare the Dissonant Intervals - No common tones |
18.1 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.2 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.4 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.5 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.6 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.7 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.8 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.9 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.12 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.13 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.14 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.15 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.16 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
18.17 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
18.18 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
18.19 Test: Dissonant intervals without common tone | |
19: Compare All Simple Intervals - No common tones |
19.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
19.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending (no common tone) | |
19.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
19.4 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Ascending (no common tone) | |
19.5 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Descending (no common tone) | |
19.6 All intervals from Perfect 5th to Octave - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
19.7 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending (no common tone) | |
19.8 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending (no common tone) | |
19.9 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
19.10 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
19.11 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Descending (no common tone) | |
19.12 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Dim 5th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
19.13 Test: Simple intervals without common tone | |
20: Compare Compound Intervals up to 2 octaves - No common tones |
20.1 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Ascending (no common tone) | |
20.2 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Descending (no common tone) | |
20.3 Perfect 11th, Perfect 12th & Two Octaves - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
20.4 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
20.5 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Descending (no common tone) | |
20.6 Minor 10th, Major 10th, Minor 13th & Major 13th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
20.7 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Ascending (no common tone) | |
20.8 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Descending (no common tone) | |
20.9 Minor 9th, Major 9th, Perfect 12th, Minor 14th & Major 14th - Harmonic (no common tone) | |
20.10 Test: Compound intervals without common tone |
General Workshops - Interval Identification |
1: Identify the Minor & Major 2nd Intervals |
1.1 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Ascending | |
1.2 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Descending | |
1.3 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic | |
1.4 Minor 2nd & Major 2nd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
2: Identify the Minor & Major 3rd Intervals |
2.1 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Ascending | |
2.2 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Descending | |
2.3 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic | |
2.4 Minor 3rd & Major 3rd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
3: Identify the Minor & Major 2nds and 3rds |
3.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Ascending | |
3.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Descending | |
3.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic | |
3.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 3rd - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
4: Identify the Perfect 4th & the Tritone |
4.1 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Ascending | |
4.2 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Descending | |
4.3 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Harmonic | |
4.4 Perfect 4th & Dim 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
5: Identify the Tritone & Perfect 5th |
5.1 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Ascending | |
5.2 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Descending | |
5.3 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic | |
5.4 Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
6: Identify the Perfect 4th, Tritone and Perfect 5th |
6.1 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Ascending | |
6.2 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Descending | |
6.3 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic | |
6.4 Perfect 4th, Dim 5th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
7: Identify All the Intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th |
7.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Ascending | |
7.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Descending | |
7.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Harmonic | |
7.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
8: Identify the Minor & Major 6th |
8.1 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending | |
8.2 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending | |
8.3 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic | |
8.4 Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
9: Identify the Minor & Major 7th |
9.1 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending | |
9.2 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending | |
9.3 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic | |
9.4 Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
10: Identify the Minor & Major 6ths and 7ths |
10.1 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Ascending | |
10.2 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Descending | |
10.3 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic | |
10.4 All intervals from Minor 6th to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
11: Identify All Intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th |
11.1 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Ascending | |
11.2 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Descending | |
11.3 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Harmonic | |
11.4 All intervals from Perfect 4th to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
12: Identify All the Intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th |
12.1 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Ascending | |
12.2 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Descending | |
12.3 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Harmonic | |
12.4 All intervals from Minor 2nd to Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
13: Practice with the Perfect Intervals within an Octave |
13.1 Unison & Octave - Harmonic | |
13.2 Unison & Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
13.3 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic | |
13.4 Perfect 4th & Perfect 5th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
13.5 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Ascending | |
13.6 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Descending | |
13.7 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic | |
13.8 Unison, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th & Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
14: Practice with the Consonant Intervals within an Octave |
14.1 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic | |
14.2 Minor 3rd & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
14.3 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic | |
14.4 Major 3rd & Minor 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
14.5 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Ascending | |
14.6 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Descending | |
14.7 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic | |
14.8 Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th & Major 6th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15: Practice with the Dissonant Intervals within an Octave |
15.1 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic | |
15.2 Minor 2nd & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15.3 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic | |
15.4 Major 2nd & Minor 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15.5 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending | |
15.6 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending | |
15.7 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic | |
15.8 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
15.9 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Ascending | |
15.10 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Descending | |
15.11 Minor 2nd, Dim 5th & Major 7th - Harmonic | |
15.12 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Ascending | |
15.13 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Descending | |
15.14 Major 2nd, Dim 5th & Minor 7th - Harmonic | |
15.15 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Ascending | |
15.16 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Descending | |
15.17 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic | |
15.18 Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Dim 5th, Minor 7th & Major 7th - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending | |
16: Practice with All Intervals within an Octave |
16.1 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Ascending | |
16.2 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Descending | |
16.3 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Harmonic | |
16.4 All intervals from Unison to Octave - Harmonic, Ascending & Descending |
General Workshops - Interval Singing |
1: Ascending Intervals from Do |
1.1 Do - Re (Major 2nd) | |
1.2 Do - Mi (Major 3rd) | |
1.3 Do - Re and Do - Mi | |
1.4 Do - Fa (Perfect 4th) | |
1.5 Do - So (Perfect 5th) | |
1.6 Do - Fa and Do - So | |
1.7 Do to Re, Mi, Fa and So | |
1.8 Do - La (Major 6th) | |
1.9 Do - Ti (Major 7th) | |
1.10 Do - Do (Octave) | |
1.11 Do to La, Ti and Do | |
1.12 All Ascending Intervals from Do | |
2: Descending Intervals from Do |
2.1 Do - Ti (Minor 2nd) | |
2.2 Do - La (Minor 3rd) | |
2.3 Do - Ti and Do - La | |
2.4 Do - So (Perfect 4th) | |
2.5 Do - Fa (Perfect 5th) | |
2.6 Do - So and Do - Fa | |
2.7 Do to Ti, La, So and Fa | |
2.8 Do - Mi (Minor 6th) | |
2.9 Do - Re (Minor 7th) | |
2.10 Do - Do (Octave) | |
2.11 Do to Mi, Re and Do | |
2.12 All Descending Intervals from Do | |
3: Complementary intervals from Do - Ascending and Descending |
3.1 Do - Re (Major 2nd up or Minor 7th down) | |
3.2 Do - Mi (Major 3rd up or Minor 6th down) | |
3.3 Do - Re and Do - Mi | |
3.4 Do - Fa (Perfect 4th up or Perfect 5th down) | |
3.5 Do - So (Perfect 5th up or Perfect 4th down) | |
3.6 Do - Fa and Do - So | |
3.7 Do to Re, Mi, Fa and So | |
3.8 Do - La (Major 6th up or Minor 3rd down) | |
3.9 Do - Ti (Major 7th up or Minor 2nd down) | |
3.10 Do - Do (Octave up or octave down) | |
3.11 Do to La, Ti and Do | |
3.12 All intervals from Do |
General Workshops - Melodic Dictation |
1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale |
1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones | |
1.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones | |
1.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale |
2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones | |
2.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones | |
2.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale |
3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones | |
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones | |
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
4: 5 Tones with Only Do Given |
4.1 Do, Re | |
4.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5: Melodies with Rhythm. 4/4 |
5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
5.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6: Melodies with Rhythm. 3/4 |
6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
6.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 |
7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
7.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 |
8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
8.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9: Different Keys. 4/4 |
9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
9.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10: Different Keys. 3/4 |
10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
10.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 |
11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
11.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 |
12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
12.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
12.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
12.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
12.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
12.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
12.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
12.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
12.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
12.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
13: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 |
13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
13.2 Do, Re, Me | |
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 |
14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
14.2 Do, Re, Me | |
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
14.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15: Melodies in A Minor. 4/4 Adding 8th Notes |
15.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
15.2 Do, Re, Me | |
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15.7 Do, Re - 2 bars | |
15.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 Adding 8th Notes |
16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
17.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
17.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
17.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
17.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
17.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
17.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
17.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
17.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
17.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
18: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
18.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar | |
18.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars | |
18.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars | |
18.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar | |
18.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars | |
18.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars |
General Workshops - Melodic Sight-Singing |
1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale |
1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones | |
1.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones | |
1.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale |
2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones | |
2.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones | |
2.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale |
3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones | |
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones | |
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
4: 5 Tones with Only Do Given |
4.1 Do, Re | |
4.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5: Melodies with Rhythm. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
5.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
5.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6: Melodies with Rhythm. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
6.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
6.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
7.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
7.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
8.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
8.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9: Different Keys. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
9.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
9.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10: Different Keys. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
10.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
10.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
11.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
11.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12: Different Keys. Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
12.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
12.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
12.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
12.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
12.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
12.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
12.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
12.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
12.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12.12 Do, Re, Mi - 4 bars | |
12.13 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
12.14 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
12.15 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
12.16 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
13: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
13.2 Do, Re, Me | |
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
13.12 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars | |
13.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 - 1, 2 and 4 Bars. |
14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
14.2 Do, Re, Me | |
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
14.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14.12 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars | |
14.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15: Melodies in A Minor. 4/4 Adding 8th Notes |
15.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
15.2 Do, Re, Me | |
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15.7 Do, Re - 2 bars | |
15.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15.13 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars | |
15.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.16 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.17 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16: Melodies in A Minor. 3/4 Adding 8th Notes |
16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16.11 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars | |
16.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
17.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
17.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
17.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
17.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
17.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
17.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
17.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
17.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
17.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17.11 Do, Re, Me - 4 bars | |
17.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
17.13 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
17.14 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
17.15 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
18: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
18.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar | |
18.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars | |
18.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars | |
18.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar | |
18.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars | |
18.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars |
General Workshops - Melody Singback |
1: 3 to 4 Tones from the C Major Scale |
1.1 Do, Re - 3 tones | |
1.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
1.7 Do, Re - 4 tones | |
1.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
1.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
1.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
1.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
1.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2: 5 to 6 Tones from the C Major Scale |
2.1 Do, Re - 5 tones | |
2.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
2.7 Do, Re - 6 tones | |
2.8 Do, Re, Mi | |
2.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
2.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
2.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
2.12 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3: 7 to 8 Tones from the C Major Scale |
3.1 Do, Re, Mi - 7 tones | |
3.2 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
3.6 Do, Re, Mi - 8 tones | |
3.7 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
3.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
3.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
3.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
4: Melodies in C Major with Rhythm. 4/4 |
4.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
4.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
4.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
4.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
4.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
4.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
4.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
4.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
4.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
4.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
4.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5: Melodies in C Major with Rhythm. 3/4 |
5.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
5.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
5.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
5.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
5.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
5.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
5.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
5.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6: Adding 8th Notes. 4/4 |
6.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
6.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
6.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
6.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
6.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
6.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
6.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
6.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7: Adding 8th Notes. 3/4 |
7.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
7.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
7.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
7.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
7.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
7.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
7.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
7.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8: Around the Circle of Fifths. 4/4 |
8.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
8.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
8.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
8.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
8.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
8.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
8.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
8.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9: Around the Circle of Fifths. 3/4 |
9.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
9.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
9.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
9.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
9.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
9.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
9.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
9.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10: Around the Circle of Fifths. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
10.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
10.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
10.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
10.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
10.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
10.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
10.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
10.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11: Around the Circle of Fifths. 3/4 with 8th Notes. |
11.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
11.2 Do, Re, Mi | |
11.3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.4 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.5 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.6 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
11.7 Do, Re, Mi - 2 bars | |
11.8 Do, Re, Mi, Fa | |
11.9 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So | |
11.10 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La | |
11.11 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti | |
12: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 |
12.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
12.2 Do, Re, Me | |
12.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
12.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
12.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
12.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
12.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
12.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
12.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
12.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
12.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
13: Melodies in A minor. 3/4 |
13.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
13.2 Do, Re, Me | |
13.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
13.7 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
13.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
13.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
13.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
13.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14: Melodies in A minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes |
14.1 Do, Re - 1 bar | |
14.2 Do, Re, Me | |
14.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.6 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
14.7 Do, Re - 2 bars | |
14.8 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
14.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
14.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
14.11 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
14.12 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15: Melodies in A minor. 3/4 with 8th Notes |
15.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
15.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
15.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
15.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
15.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
15.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
15.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16: All Minor Keys. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
16.1 Do, Re, Me - 1 bar | |
16.2 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.3 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.4 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.5 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
16.6 Do, Re, Me - 2 bars | |
16.7 Do, Re, Me, Fa | |
16.8 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So | |
16.9 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le | |
16.10 Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, Le, Te | |
17: Harmonic Minor. 4/4 with 8th Notes. |
17.1 A minor harmonic. 1 bar | |
17.2 A minor harmonic. 2 bars | |
17.3 A minor harmonic. 4 bars | |
17.4 Harmonic minor (all keys). 1 bar | |
17.5 Harmonic minor (all keys). 2 bars | |
17.6 Harmonic minor (all keys). 4 bars |
General Workshops - Rhythm Clapback |
1: 4/4 - 1 bar: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
1.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
1.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
1.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.5 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
1.6 4/4 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
2: 3/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
2.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
2.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
2.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.5 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
2.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3: 2/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
3.1 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
3.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
3.4 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.5 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3.6 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
4.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
4.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
4.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
5: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
5.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
5.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
5.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
5.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
6.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
6.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
6.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings |
7.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
7.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
7.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
8.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
8.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
9.1 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
9.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings |
10.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests |
11.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests |
12.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests |
13.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
13.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
14: 4/4: Triplets |
14.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
14.2 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.8 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.9 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets | |
14.10 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets - including rests | |
14.11 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
14.12 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.13 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.14 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets | |
14.15 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.16 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets | |
14.17 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests | |
15: Triplets, Now in 3/4 |
15.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
15.2 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.7 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.8 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.9 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
15.10 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets | |
15.13 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.14 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.15 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4 |
16.1 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.2 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.3 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
16.4 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.5 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.6 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
16.7 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.8 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 |
17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision |
18.1 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.2 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.3 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.4 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.5 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature |
19.1 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
19.2 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
19.3 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
19.4 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
19.5 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.6 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.7 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.8 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.9 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature |
20.1 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
20.2 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
20.3 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
20.4 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
20.5 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.6 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.7 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.8 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.9 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8 |
21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 |
22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes | |
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes | |
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
23.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
23.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
23.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
23.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
23.9 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
23.10 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.11 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.12 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
24.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
24.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
24.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
24.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
24.9 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
24.10 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes |
25.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
25.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
25.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes | |
25.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests | |
25.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
25.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26: 3/4: 32nd Notes |
26.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
26.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes | |
26.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests | |
26.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
26.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
27: Final roundup |
27.1 Simple meters | |
27.2 Simple meters with rests | |
27.3 Compound meters | |
27.4 Compound meters with rests | |
27.5 Asymmetrical meters I | |
27.6 Asymmetrical meters II |
General Workshops - Rhythm Error Detection |
1: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
1.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
1.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
1.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
1.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
2: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
2.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
2.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
2.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
2.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
3.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
3.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
3.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4: 4/4 - 4 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
4.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
4.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
4.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.5 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4.6 4/4 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
5: 3/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
5.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
5.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
5.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.5 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
5.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6: 2/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
6.1 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
6.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
6.4 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.5 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6.6 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
7: 4/4 - 8 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
7.1 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
7.2 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
7.3 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
7.4 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
7.5 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
7.6 4/4 - 8 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
7.7 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
7.8 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
8: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings |
8.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
8.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
9.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
9.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
10: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
10.1 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
10.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
10.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings |
11.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
12: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests |
12.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests |
13.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.7 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
14: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests |
14.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
14.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
14.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
14.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
15: 4/4: Triplets |
15.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
15.2 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.3 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.4 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.8 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.9 4/4 - 2 bars: Half triplets | |
15.10 4/4 - 2 bars: Half triplets - including rests | |
15.11 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
15.12 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.13 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.14 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets | |
15.15 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.16 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets | |
15.17 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests | |
16: Triplets, Now in 3/4 |
16.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
16.2 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
16.3 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
16.4 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
16.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
16.7 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.8 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
16.9 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
16.10 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
16.11 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th triplets - including rests | |
16.12 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets | |
16.13 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
16.14 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.15 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
17: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4 |
17.1 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
17.2 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
17.3 5/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
17.4 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
17.5 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
17.6 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
17.7 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
17.8 5/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
18: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 |
18.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
18.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
18.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
18.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
19: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision |
19.1 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.2 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.3 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.4 6/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.5 6/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature |
20.1 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
20.2 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
20.3 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
20.4 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
20.5 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.6 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.7 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.8 9/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.9 9/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature |
21.1 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
21.2 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
21.3 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
21.4 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
21.5 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
21.6 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21.7 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
21.8 12/8 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21.9 12/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8 |
22.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
22.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
22.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
22.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
23: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 |
23.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes | |
23.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
23.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes | |
23.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
23.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
23.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
24: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
24.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
24.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.3 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
24.4 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.7 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
24.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
24.9 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
24.10 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.11 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.12 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
25.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
25.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
25.3 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
25.4 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
25.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25.7 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
25.8 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
25.9 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
25.10 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
25.11 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
25.12 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
26: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes |
26.1 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
26.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes | |
26.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.5 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.6 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd notes - including rests | |
26.7 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
26.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
27: 3/4: 32nd Notes |
27.1 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
27.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
27.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes | |
27.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
27.5 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
27.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd notes - including rests | |
27.7 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
27.8 3/4 - 2 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
28: All the Time Signatures from the Previous Lessons |
28.1 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes | |
28.2 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes + Rests |
General Workshops - Rhythm Sight-Reading |
1: 4/4 - 4 bars: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
1.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
1.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
1.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.5 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
1.6 4/4 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
2: 3/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
2.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
2.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
2.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.5 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
2.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3: 2/4 - 4 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
3.1 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
3.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
3.4 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.5 2/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3.6 2/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4: 4/4 - 8 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
4.1 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.2 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
4.3 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
4.4 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.5 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4.6 4/4 - 8 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.7 4/4 - 8 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.8 4/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
5: 3/4 - 8 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
5.1 3/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.2 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
5.3 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
5.4 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.5 3/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
5.6 3/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6: 2/4 - 8 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
6.1 2/4 - 8 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.2 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
6.3 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
6.4 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.5 2/4 - 8 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6.6 2/4 - 8 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings |
7.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
7.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
7.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
8.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
8.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
9.1 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes | |
9.2 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings |
10.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests |
11.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests |
12.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.7 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests |
13.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
13.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.3 2/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
14: 4/4: Triplets |
14.1 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
14.2 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.3 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.4 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.7 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.8 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.9 4/4 - 4 bars: Half triplets | |
14.10 4/4 - 4 bars: Half triplets - including rests | |
14.11 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
14.12 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.13 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.14 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets | |
14.15 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.16 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets | |
14.17 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests | |
15: Triplets, Now in 3/4 |
15.1 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
15.2 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.3 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.4 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.7 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.8 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.9 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
15.10 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.11 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.12 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets | |
15.13 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.14 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.15 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4 |
16.1 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.2 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.3 5/4 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
16.4 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.5 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.6 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
16.7 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.8 5/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 |
17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision |
18.1 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.2 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.3 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.4 6/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.5 6/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature |
19.1 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
19.2 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
19.3 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
19.4 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
19.5 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.6 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.7 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.8 9/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.9 9/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature |
20.1 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
20.2 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
20.3 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
20.4 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
20.5 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.6 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.7 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.8 12/8 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.9 12/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8 |
21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes | |
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 |
22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes | |
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes | |
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 4 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
23.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
23.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.3 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
23.4 4/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.7 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
23.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
23.9 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
23.10 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.11 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.12 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
24.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
24.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.3 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
24.4 3/4 - 4 bars: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.7 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
24.8 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
24.9 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
24.10 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.11 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.12 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes |
25.1 4/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
25.2 4/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
25.3 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes | |
25.4 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.5 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.6 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd notes - including rests | |
25.7 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
25.8 4/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26: 3/4: 32nd Notes |
26.1 3/4 - 4 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26.2 3/4 - 4 bars: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
26.3 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes | |
26.4 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.5 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.6 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd notes - including rests | |
26.7 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
26.8 3/4 - 4 bars: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
27: Final roundup |
27.1 Simple meters | |
27.2 Simple meters with rests | |
27.3 Compound meters | |
27.4 Compound meters with rests | |
27.5 Asymmetrical meters I | |
27.6 Asymmetrical meters II |
General Workshops - Rhythmic Dictation |
1: 4/4 - 1 bar: Whole, Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
1.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
1.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
1.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
1.5 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
1.6 4/4 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
1.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
2: 3/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
2.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
2.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
2.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
2.5 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
2.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3: 2/4 - 1 bar: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
3.1 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes | |
3.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes - including rests | |
3.4 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
3.5 2/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
3.6 2/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4: 4/4 - 2 bars: Whole, half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
4.1 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.2 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
4.3 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
4.4 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
4.5 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
4.6 4/4 - 2 bars: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.7 4/4 - 2 bars: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
4.8 4/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
5: 3/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
5.1 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.2 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
5.3 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
5.4 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
5.5 3/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
5.6 3/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6: 2/4 - 2 bars: Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes |
6.1 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.2 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes | |
6.3 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th notes - including rests | |
6.4 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
6.5 2/4 - 2 bars: Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
6.6 2/4 - 2 bars: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
7: 4/4: Introducing Sixteenth Note Groupings |
7.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
7.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
7.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8: 3/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
8.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
8.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
8.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9: 2/4: Sixteenth Note Groupings |
9.1 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes | |
9.2 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
9.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
10: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings |
10.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
10.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
11: Advanced Sixteenth Note Groupings with Rests |
11.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
11.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12: Advanced 16th and 8th Combinations with Rests |
12.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.7 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
12.8 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
13: All Note values from the Previous Lessons, Including Rests |
13.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
13.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.3 2/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
13.4 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
14: 4/4: Triplets |
14.1 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
14.2 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.7 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
14.8 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
14.9 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets | |
14.10 4/4 - 1 bar: Half triplets - including rests | |
14.11 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
14.12 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.13 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests | |
14.14 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets | |
14.15 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
14.16 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets | |
14.17 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter & Half triplets - including rests | |
15: Triplets, Now in 3/4 |
15.1 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets | |
15.2 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter & Half notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.7 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.8 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
15.9 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets | |
15.10 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th triplets - including rests | |
15.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets | |
15.13 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
15.14 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
15.15 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
16: Introducing a New Time Signature: 5/4 |
16.1 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.2 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.3 5/4 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
16.4 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.5 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
16.6 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
16.7 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
16.8 5/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th, Quarter, Half & Whole notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
17: Introducing New Time Signatures: 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 |
17.1 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
17.2 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
17.3 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
17.4 3/8, 4/8 & 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
18: 6/8 with Dotted Subdivision |
18.1 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.2 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.3 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
18.4 6/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
18.5 6/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19: Introducing the 9/8 Time Signature |
19.1 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
19.2 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
19.3 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
19.4 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
19.5 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.6 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.7 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
19.8 9/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
19.9 9/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20: Introducing the 12/8 Time Signature |
20.1 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
20.2 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
20.3 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
20.4 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
20.5 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.6 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.7 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes | |
20.8 12/8 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
20.9 12/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, Quarter dotted notes - including rests | |
21: Introducing New Time Signatures: 5/8 & 7/8 |
21.1 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes | |
21.2 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
21.3 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
21.4 5/8 & 7/8 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
22: Introducing New Time Signatures: 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 |
22.1 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes | |
22.2 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.3 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes | |
22.4 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: Quarter, Half & Whole notes - including rests | |
22.5 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
22.6 2/2, 3/2 & 4/2 - 1 bar: 8th, Quarter & Half notes - including rests | |
23: 4/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
23.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
23.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.3 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
23.4 4/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
23.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
23.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
23.9 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
23.10 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
23.11 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
23.12 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24: 3/4: Mixed Note Groupings |
24.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets | |
24.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th notes, 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.3 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets | |
24.4 3/4 - 1 bar: Quarter notes, Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
24.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets | |
24.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th notes, 16th triplets - including rests | |
24.9 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets | |
24.10 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes, 16th & 8th triplets - including rests | |
24.11 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets | |
24.12 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th, 8th & Quarter notes, 16th, 8th & Quarter triplets - including rests | |
25: 4/4: Introducing 32nd Notes |
25.1 4/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
25.2 4/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
25.3 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes | |
25.4 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.5 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
25.6 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests | |
25.7 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
25.8 4/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26: 3/4: 32nd Notes |
26.1 3/4 - 1 bar: 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
26.2 3/4 - 1 bar: 16th & 8th notes - including rests | |
26.3 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes | |
26.4 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.5 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd & 16th notes - including rests | |
26.6 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd notes - including rests | |
26.7 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes | |
26.8 3/4 - 1 bar: 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter notes - including rests | |
27: All the Time Signatures from the Previous Lessons |
27.1 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes | |
27.2 Mixed Time Signatures with 32nd, 16th, 8th & Quarter Notes + Rests |
General Workshops - Scale Identification |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Major, Lydian and Mixolydian (begin with 1-1) | |
1.2 Scales with minor sound (begin with 1-½) | |
1.3 Phrygian and Locrian (begin with ½-1) | |
1.4 All modes and harmonic and melodic minor | |
1.5 Whole tone and variants of Lydian and Mixolydian | |
1.6 Melodic minor, Locrian (#2) and Dim (1-½) | |
1.7 Phrygian (#6), Altered and Dim (½-1) | |
1.8 Derivatives of melodic minor, Whole tone and Dim | |
1.9 All scales and modes from lessons 1-8 | |
1.10 Derivatives of harmonic minor | |
1.11 The two pentatonic scales | |
1.12 All modes - descending | |
1.13 Derivatives of harmonic minor - descending |
Jazz Workshops - Chord Identification |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Four note chords #1: major | |
1.2 Four note chords #2: minor | |
1.3 Four note chords #3: dim7, mi7(b5) | |
1.4 Four note chords #4 | |
1.5 Four note chords #5: maj7 dissonant | |
1.6 Four note chords #6: major7 dissonant | |
1.7 Four note chords #7: minor dissonant | |
1.8 Four note chords #8: the six most dissonant | |
1.9 Four note chords #9: all | |
1.10 Tonic major: Five and six note chords | |
1.11 Tonic major: 4 to 7 note chords, Lydian scale | |
1.12 Tonic major, mixed | |
1.13 Tonic minor: 5 and 6 note chords | |
1.14 Tonic minor: Dorian and melodic scales | |
1.15 mi7(b5) chords | |
1.16 Minor chords, mixed | |
1.17 Dominants, Mixolydian scale | |
1.18 Dominants, Mixolydian #11 mode | |
1.19 Dominants, altered scale | |
1.20 Dominants, diminished scale | |
1.21 Dominants, mixed | |
1.22 All chords, mixed |
Jazz Workshops - Chord Identification |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Four note chords #1: major | |
1.2 Four note chords #2: minor | |
1.3 Four note chords #3: dim7, mi7(b5) | |
1.4 Four note chords #4 | |
1.5 Four note chords #5: maj7 dissonant | |
1.6 Four note chords #6: major7 dissonant | |
1.7 Four note chords #7: minor dissonant | |
1.8 Four note chords #8: the six most dissonant | |
1.9 Four note chords #9: all | |
1.10 Tonic major: Five and six note chords | |
1.11 Tonic major: 4 to 7 note chords, Lydian scale | |
1.12 Tonic major, mixed | |
1.13 Tonic minor: 5 and 6 note chords | |
1.14 Tonic minor: Dorian and melodic scales | |
1.15 mi7(b5) chords | |
1.16 Minor chords, mixed | |
1.17 Dominants, Mixolydian scale | |
1.18 Dominants, Mixolydian #11 mode | |
1.19 Dominants, altered scale | |
1.20 Dominants, diminished scale | |
1.21 Dominants, mixed | |
1.22 All chords, mixed |
Jazz Workshops - Chord Progressions |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 Diatonic progressions, major | |
1.2 Diatonic progressions, major | |
1.3 Diatonic progressions, major | |
1.4 Diatonic progressions, minor | |
1.5 Diatonic progressions, minor, with Dominant 7 | |
1.6 Diatonic progressions, major, with Dominant V7/IV | |
1.7 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/V | |
1.8 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/II | |
1.9 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/VI | |
1.10 Diatonic major, with Dominant V7/III | |
1.11 Major with all 5 secondary dominants | |
1.12 Major with tritone substituted dominants #1 | |
1.13 Major with tritone substituted dominants #2 | |
1.14 Major with tritone substituted dominants #3 | |
1.15 Major with a modal interchange chord | |
1.16 Major with at least 2 modal interchange chords | |
1.17 Major, various number of modal interchange chords | |
1.18 All themes mixed! |
Jazz Workshops - Melodic Dictation |
1: Blues Scales and Songs |
1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar) | |
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar) | |
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar) | |
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars) | |
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars) | |
1.6 Melodic Dictation: "St. Louis Blues" | |
1.7 Melodic Dictation: "Beale Street Blues" | |
1.8 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "St. Louis Blues" | |
2: 1920's American Swing Hits |
2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones) | |
2.2 Melodic Dictation: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" | |
2.3 Melodic Dictation: "Swanee" | |
2.4 Melodic Dictation: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby" | |
2.5 Melodic Dictation: "T'ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" | |
2.6 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's | |
3: Ballads and Blues in Minor |
3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones | |
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones | |
3.3 Melodic Dictation: "St. James Infirmary Blues" | |
3.4 Melodic Dictation: "Flee as a Bird" | |
3.5 Melodic Dictation: "King Chanticleer" | |
3.6 Melodic Dictation: "Some of these Days" | |
3.7 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys | |
4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms |
4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths | |
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps | |
4.3 Melodic Dictation: "Missouri Waltz" | |
4.4 Melodic Dictation: "Sheik of Araby" | |
4.5 Melodic Dictation: "Ja Da" | |
4.6 Melodic Dictation: "Ain't We Got Fun" | |
4.7 Exam: Novelty Songs and Rhythms | |
5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music |
5.1 Major Scales: Two-Measure Melodies with 7th leaps | |
5.2 Melodic Dictation: "Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral" | |
5.3 Melodic Dictation: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" | |
5.4 Melodic Dictation: "Careless Love" | |
5.5 Melodic Dictation: "The Bells of St. Mary's" | |
5.6 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music | |
6: Fun with Irving Berlin |
6.1 Melodic Dictation: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" | |
6.2 Melodic Dictation: "When the Midnight Choo Choo Leaves for Alabam" | |
6.3 Melodic Dictation: "At the Devil's Ball" | |
6.4 Melodic Dictation: "Mandy" | |
6.5 Melodic Dictation: "I Never Knew" | |
6.6 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin | |
7: Transcribe “After You've Gone” |
7.1 After You've Gone |
Jazz Workshops - Melodic Sight-Singing |
1: Blues Scales and Blues Songs |
1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar) | |
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar) | |
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar) | |
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars) | |
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars) | |
1.6 Listening Activity: "St. Louis Blues" by W.C. Handy | |
1.7 Sight-Singing: "St. Louis Blues" | |
1.8 Listening Activity: "Beale Street Blues" | |
1.9 Sight-Singing: "Beale Street Blues" | |
1.10 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "The Blues" | |
2: 1920's American Swing Hits |
2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones) | |
2.2 Listening Activity: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" | |
2.3 Sight-Singing: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" | |
2.4 Listening Activity: "Swanee" by George Gershwin | |
2.5 Sight-Singing: "Swanee" | |
2.6 Listening Activity: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby (With a Dixie Melody)" | |
2.7 Sight-Singing: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby" | |
2.8 Listening Activity: "T'ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" | |
2.9 Sight-Singing: "Taint Nobody's Business..." | |
2.10 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's | |
3: Ballads and Blues in Minor |
3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones | |
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones | |
3.3 Listening Activity: "St. James Infirmary Blues" | |
3.4 Sight-Singing: "St. James Infirmary Blues" | |
3.5 Listening Activity: "Flee as a Bird" | |
3.6 Sight-Singing: "Flee as a Bird" | |
3.7 Listening Activity: "King Chanticleer" | |
3.8 Sight-Singing: "King Chanticleer" | |
3.9 Listening Activity: "Some of These Days" | |
3.10 Sight-Singing: "Some of these Days" | |
3.11 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys | |
4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms |
4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths | |
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps | |
4.3 Listening Activity: "Missouri Waltz" | |
4.4 Sight-Singing: "Missouri Waltz" | |
4.5 Listening Activity: "The Sheik of Araby" | |
4.6 Sight-Singing: "Sheik of Araby" | |
4.7 Listening Activity: "Ja Da" | |
4.8 Sight-Singing: "Ja Da" | |
4.9 Listening Activity: "Ain't We Got Fun | |
4.10 Sight-Singing: "Ain't We Got Fun" | |
4.11 Exam: Novelty songs and Rhythms | |
5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music |
5.1 Major Scales: Two-measure melodies with 7th interval leaps | |
5.2 Listening Activity: "Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra" | |
5.3 Sight-Singing: "Too Ra Loo" | |
5.4 Listening Activity: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" | |
5.5 Sight-Singing: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" | |
5.6 Listening Activity: "Careless Love" | |
5.7 Sight-Singing: "Careless Love" | |
5.8 Listening Activity: "The Bells of St. Mary's" | |
5.9 Sight-Singing: "The Bells of St. Mary's" | |
5.10 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music | |
6: Fun with Irving Berlin |
6.1 Listening Activity: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" | |
6.2 Sight-Singing: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" | |
6.3 Listening Activity: "Midnight Choo Choo" | |
6.4 Sight-Singing: "When the Midnight Choo Choo" | |
6.5 Listening Activity: "At the Devil's Ball" | |
6.6 Sight-Singing: "At the Devil's Ball" | |
6.7 Listening Activity: "Mandy" | |
6.8 Sight-Singing: "Mandy" | |
6.9 Listening Activity: "I Never Knew" | |
6.10 Sight-Singing: "I Never Knew" | |
6.11 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin | |
7: Sight-Sing “After You've Gone” |
7.1 After You've Gone |
Jazz Workshops - Melody Singback |
1: Blues Scales and Blues Songs |
1.1 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of C (1 bar) | |
1.2 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in the Key of F (1 bar) | |
1.3 Blues “licks:” 3 to 4 tones in Key of G (1 bar) | |
1.4 Blues “licks:” 5 to 6 tones in the Key of C (2 bars) | |
1.5 Melodies on the Blues Scale-7 to 8 tones in the Keys of C, F, and G, (2 bars) | |
1.6 Sing or play back: "St. Louis Blues" | |
1.7 Sing or play back: "Beale Street Blues" | |
1.8 Exam: Blues "Licks" and "The Blues" | |
2: 1920's American Swing Hits |
2.1 Review of Melodic Patterns: Keys of Bb, Eb, A and D (5 to 6 tones) | |
2.2 Sing or play back: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" | |
2.3 Sing or play back: "Swanee" | |
2.4 Sing or play back: "Rock-a-bye Your Baby" | |
2.5 Sing or play back: "Taint Nobody's Business..." | |
2.6 Exam: American Swing Hits of the 1920's | |
3: Ballads and Blues in Minor |
3.1 Natural Minor Patterns: 3 to 4 tones | |
3.2 Natural Minor Patterns: 5 to 6 tones | |
3.3 Sing or play back: "St. James Infirmary Blues" | |
3.4 Sing or play back: "Flee as a Bird" | |
3.5 Sing or play back: "King Chanticleer" | |
3.6 Sing or play back: "Some of these Days" | |
3.7 Exam: Ballads and Blues in Minor Keys | |
4: Novelty Songs & Rhythms |
4.1 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with swing 8ths | |
4.2 Blues Scale: 5 to 6 tones in 3/4 meter with octave leaps | |
4.3 Sing or play back: "Missouri Waltz" | |
4.4 Sing or play back: "Sheik of Araby" | |
4.5 Sing or play back: "Ja Da" | |
4.6 Sing or play back: "Ain't We Got Fun" | |
4.7 Exam: Novelty Songs and Rhythms | |
5: Irish Ballads & Folk Music |
5.1 Major Scales: Two-measure melodies with 7th interval leaps | |
5.2 Sing or play back: "Too Ra Loo" | |
5.3 Sing or play back: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" | |
5.4 Sing or play back: "Careless Love" | |
5.5 Sing or play back: "The Bells of St. Mary's" | |
5.6 Exam: Irish Ballads and Folk Music | |
6: Fun with Irving Berlin |
6.1 Sing or play back: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" | |
6.2 Sing or play back: "When the Midnight Choo Choo" | |
6.3 Sing or play back: "At the Devil's Ball" | |
6.4 Sing or play back: "Mandy" | |
6.5 Sing or play back: "I Never Knew" | |
6.6 Exam: Fun with Irving Berlin | |
7: Play “After You've Gone” by ear |
7.1 After You've Gone |
Jazz Workshops - Rhythm Clapback |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes | |
1.2 4/4 swing with rests | |
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo | |
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars! | |
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets | |
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets | |
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests | |
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets | |
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest | |
1.11 6/8 | |
1.12 6/8 with rests | |
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties | |
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths. | |
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests | |
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths | |
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties | |
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties | |
1.19 6/8 with sixteenths. 2 bars. | |
1.20 6/8 with sixteenths and ties. 2 bars. | |
1.21 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties | |
1.22 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.23 Up-tempo swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.24 Medium upswing, with rests and ties | |
1.25 Up-tempo swing, with rests and ties | |
1.26 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests. | |
1.27 Up-tempo swing, tempo 200. Two bars | |
1.28 Medium upswing, with rests and ties. Two bars | |
1.29 Medium upswing, 2 bars, with quarter note triplets | |
1.30 Up-tempo swing, rests and ties. | |
1.31 Up-tempo swing, with quarter note triplets | |
1.32 Sixteenths swing. One bar | |
1.33 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.34 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties | |
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes | |
1.37 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties | |
1.38 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. Two bars | |
1.39 Up-tempo swing with rests. Two bars | |
1.40 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. Two bars. | |
1.41 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. 3 bars! | |
1.42 Up-tempo swing with rests. 3 bars. | |
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths. | |
1.44 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests. | |
1.45 Sixteenths swing. 2 bars. | |
1.46 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties. 2 bars. | |
1.47 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. | |
1.48 Swinging eighths and straight sixteenths. | |
1.49 Swinging eighths, straight sixteenths and rests. |
Jazz Workshops - Rhythm Error Detection |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 4/4 swing, one bar, one error | |
1.2 4/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors | |
1.3 4/4 swing with rests | |
1.4 4/4 swing with rests, 2 bars, 2 errors | |
1.5 4/4 swing, faster tempo | |
1.6 4/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors | |
1.7 3/4 swing, 2 bars, 2 errors | |
1.8 3/4 and 4/4 swing, 2 errors | |
1.9 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets, 2 errors | |
1.10 4/4 swing with triplets, 2 errors | |
1.11 4/4 swing with triplets, 3 errors | |
1.12 4/4 swing with triplets and rests, 2 errors | |
1.13 4/4 swing with triplets and rests, 3 errors | |
1.14 3/4 swing with triplets, 2 bars, 2 errors | |
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rests, 4 errors | |
1.16 6/8, 2 errors | |
1.17 6/8, 2 errors | |
1.18 6/8 with rests, 2 errors | |
1.19 6/8 with rests, 3 errors | |
1.20 6/8 with rests and more eighths, 2 errors | |
1.21 6/8 with rests, 4 errors | |
1.22 4/4 with straight eighths and sixteenths, 2 errors | |
1.23 4/4 with straight eighths and sixteenths, 4 errors | |
1.24 3/4 and 4/4 straight, with rests, 2 errors | |
1.25 3/4 and 4/4 straight, with rests, 4 errors | |
1.26 6/8 with sixteenths, 2 errors | |
1.27 6/8 with sixteenths, 3 errors | |
1.28 6/8 with sixteenths, 2 errors | |
1.29 6/8 with triplets, 3 errors | |
1.30 Medium upswing | |
1.31 Medium upswing | |
1.32 Sixteenths swing | |
1.33 Sixteenths swing | |
1.34 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #1 | |
1.37 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #2 | |
1.38 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes #3 | |
1.39 Up-tempo swing #1 | |
1.40 Up-tempo swing #2 | |
1.41 Up-tempo swing #3 | |
1.42 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths | |
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths |
Jazz Workshops - Rhythmic Dictation |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes | |
1.2 4/4 swing with rests | |
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo | |
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars! | |
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets | |
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets | |
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests | |
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets | |
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest | |
1.11 6/8 | |
1.12 6/8 with rests | |
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties | |
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths. | |
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests | |
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths | |
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties | |
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties | |
1.19 6/8 with sixteenths. 2 bars. | |
1.20 6/8 with sixteenths and ties. 2 bars. | |
1.21 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties | |
1.22 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.23 Up-tempo swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.24 Medium upswing, with rests and ties | |
1.25 Up-tempo swing, with rests and ties | |
1.26 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests. | |
1.27 Up-tempo swing, tempo 200. Two bars | |
1.28 Medium upswing, with rests and ties. Two bars | |
1.29 Medium upswing, 2 bars, with quarter note triplets | |
1.30 Up-tempo swing, rests and ties. | |
1.31 Up-tempo swing, with quarter note triplets | |
1.32 Sixteenths swing. One bar | |
1.33 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.34 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties | |
1.35 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets. | |
1.36 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes | |
1.37 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties | |
1.38 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. Two bars | |
1.39 Up-tempo swing with rests. Two bars | |
1.40 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. Two bars. | |
1.41 Up-tempo swing with quarter note triplets. 3 bars! | |
1.42 Up-tempo swing with rests. 3 bars. | |
1.43 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths. | |
1.44 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests. | |
1.45 Sixteenths swing. 2 bars. | |
1.46 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties. 2 bars. | |
1.47 Up-tempo swing with more eighths. | |
1.48 Swinging eighths and straight sixteenths. | |
1.49 Swinging eighths, straight sixteenths and rests. |
Jazz Workshops - Rhythmic Sight-Reading |
1: Module 1 |
1.1 4/4 swing, half-, quarter- and eighth notes | |
1.2 4/4 swing with rests | |
1.3 4/4 swing, quarter notes and eighths, faster tempo | |
1.4 3/4 swing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.5 3/4 and 4/4 swing - two bars! | |
1.6 4/4 swing with eighth note triplets | |
1.7 4/4 swing with triplets | |
1.8 4/4 swing with triplets and rests | |
1.9 3/4 swing with triplets | |
1.10 3/4 and 4/4 swing, triplets and rest | |
1.11 6/8 | |
1.12 6/8 with rests | |
1.13 6/8, with rests and ties | |
1.14 4/4 straight with eighths and sixteenths. | |
1.15 3/4 and 4/4 straight with rests | |
1.16 6/8 with sixteenths | |
1.17 6/8 with sixteenths and ties | |
1.18 6/8 with sixteenths, rests and ties | |
1.19 Medium upswing, quarter notes, eighths and rests | |
1.20 Medium upswing with rests and ties | |
1.21 Sixteenths swing | |
1.22 Sixteenths swing with sixteenth note triplets | |
1.23 Sixteenths swing with triplets and ties | |
1.24 Straight rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes | |
1.25 Rhythms with 16th and 32nd notes and ties | |
1.26 Up-tempo swing | |
1.27 Up-tempo swing with rests | |
1.28 Up-tempo swing with more eighths | |
1.29 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths. | |
1.30 Swing eighths with straight sixteenths and rests. |
Puede importar partituras a la Biblioteca de Música de EarMaster usando archivos con el formato MusicXML. Las partituras importadas le servirán para crear sus propios ejercicios en las disciplinas de:
- Canto a primera vista
- Dictado melódico
- Repetición melódica
- Lectura rítmica a primera vista
- Dictado rítmico
- Repetición rítmica
- Detección de errores rítmicos
Qué es MusicXML
"MusicXML es un formato de intercambio y distribución de partituras digitales. [...] La información musical está diseñada para poder ser usada en programas de notación, secuenciadores y otros programas de interpretación, programas de educación musical y bases de datos musicales. [...] Con MusicXML puede crear música en un programa y compartir sus resultados, de un lado a otro, con personas que usan otros programas."
Cómo proceder
1. Prepare sus partituras
Cree una partitura usando su software de notación musical (por ejemplo Finale, Sibelius o Musescore), y seleccione ARCHIVO en el menú (normalmente) para encontrar la función "Exportar a MusicXML".
También puede encontrar una gran cantidad de partituras en formato MusicXML listas para usar en librerías de partituras on-line, tales como:
Musescore library -
IMSLP Petrucci Music Library -
ChoralWIKI -
Hymnary -
Requisitos de los archivos:
- Un único tipo de compás por partitura.
- Una única armadura por partitura, con un máximo de 6 bemoles y 5 sostenidos.
- Voces monofónicas (sin armonías, una nota a la vez). Para usar armonías, distribúyalas a través de varias voces/pentagramas.
- 8 voces monofónicas como máximo, una de las cuales puede representar cifrados de acordes.
- Claves admitidas: Sol, Fa, Do.
- Figuras musicales admitidas: desde redondas a fusas, incluyendo valores con puntillo, ligaduras, tresillos, quintillos y septillos.
EarMaster puede transponer las melodías de forma automática, de modo que puede definirlas en una tonalidad específica y posteriormente seleccionar a qué tonalidades quiere que EarMaster las transponga cuando prepare sus ejercicios.
Solo los valores soportados por EarMaster pueden ser importados. Los valores no soportados serán ignorados por el programa o convertidos en valores similares (por ejemplo, el compás 6/4 será importado como 12/8).
2. Importe sus partituras a EarMaster
Encuentre la Biblioteca de Música en el menú de Herramientas del profesor. Seleccione la opción Partituras y clique en "Importar MusicXML" para añadir su partitura a la lista.
3. Use las partituras importadas en sus ejercicios
Cuando cree su ejercicio personalizado en el Editor de curso, podrá seleccionar la "Biblioteca de partituras" como su "Objeto musical de estudio", y a continuación escoger partituras de la biblioteca como preguntas mediante la sección "Lista de preguntas".
En la sección "Lista de preguntas", haga clic en + para ver la lista de partituras disponibles. Recorte la partitura eligiendo los compases deseados, seleccione las voces que se incluirán, cuál será evaluada y cuáles harán el acompañamiento. Finalmente, clique "Aceptar" para añadir la pregunta en su ejercicio.
Para añadir otra pregunta, puede repetir el procedimiento anteriormente explicado, o puede usar la opción Clonar la lección para copiar la pregunta anterior y poder modificar fácilmente los compases elegidos o las voces reproducidas.
Repita el proceso hasta alcanzar el número deseado de preguntas para el ejercicio.
P: ¿Puedo exportar la Biblioteca de música de EarMaster?
R: Sí, puede exportar su biblioteca como una base de datos de EarMaster, que puede ser importada en otro EarMaster. Para hacerlo, use las opciones "Importar biblioteca de partituras"/"Partituras seleccionadas exportadas" en la parte superior derecha de la lista de partituras en la Biblioteca de música de EarMaster.
P: He importado una partitura, pero no se ve o no suena como el archivo original. ¿Qué ha pasado?
R: MusicXML incluye muchísimos valores y opciones, y no todos son útiles en EarMaster. Por este motivo, la importación de algunos archivos puede resultar en partituras que se ven alteradas más allá de lo reconocible. Continuamente trabajamos en mejorar nuestra importación de MusicXML, de modo que si experimenta un problema como este, por favor háganos llegar su archivo MusicXML y una descripción del problema para que podamos trabajar juntos en mejorar EarMaster.
P: ¿Puedo importar partituras MusicXML usando un iPad?
R: Desgraciadamente no. Esta opción solo está disponible para PC o Mac.
P: ¿Puedo guardar un ejercicio personalizado preparado con la Biblioteca de música de EarMaster?
R: Sí, pero solo cuando use el Editor del curso, que está disponible para los usuarios de EarMaster Cloud con acceso para profesorado.